A lot of people tend to use the term retail therapy for when they go shopping to make themselves feel better and forget all of their woes. This is NOT something that tends to excite me. When you work in a mall and are in that setting as much as I am, you HATE going shopping! Caty and I did, however, spend almost the entire day shopping and this time around I am VERY excited that I had some success. I was out on a mission to find a formal or cocktail dress for my trip to Arizona at the end of July. I was committed to find something because I always tend to wait until the last minute to find this dress and stress like crazy about it. I still have a lot of shopping to do for all of my other outfits for conference, but this was the hardest task. After a day of shopping I ended up buying 2 dresses. The first one that I bought was a dress that didn't exactly fit right now, but I bought it because I am convinced that very soon I will able to fit my fat ass into it. I found it at Nordstrom Rack. It is a knee length coral colored silky Calvin Klein that I found for 20 bucks!!! Currently I can't get the dress to zip at my enormous boobs. Everywhere else it looked stunning. After a day of looking and trying on tons of dresses, I ended up stopping in a formal boutique that I was sure I would not find anything. That's where I ended up finding my dress! It is very simple.... it's a floor length black dress that has a strap on one shoulder. The dress was actually a little big, but I decided to buy it anyway. I can always have it taken in if I need to. Here is a pic of the dress... just ignore the girl wearing it :) She needs to work on getting rid of those redneck tan lines! Haha.