This 'n That 'n Other Stuffs

Jun 19, 2010 15:45

This has been a full, and difficult week.

My digestive system hates me, I'm sure. My daughter is starting to make noises about how I should be Googling "Irritable Bowel Syndrome" and taking note of what foods I need to avoid to keep from triggering this thing. All I know is that the damned thing strikes predictably in the wee hours of the morning and keeps me up for about two to two and a half hours before I fall back into bed too exhausted to do much of anything until I've had four or five hours of sleep. I missed out on a favorite Saturday morning tradition today: coffee with my Coffee Klatsch friends at a neat coffee deli nearby. Not happy about that at all!!

On a more positive note, I have volunteered to create and then manage a website for the A Long Expected Contest for Tolkien fanfiction challenges. They have an LJ community and a YaHell group maillist, but things have been a bit... scattered... for my tastes. I can never find a piece of information without spending way too much time looking for it. So.... Since I've more or less figured out how to use Yola's widgets to put together a website (my personal archive, Bennas Aearwen) I thought I'd toss something together real fast and see what the challenge owner thought. Guess I have a new job. :-D After I finish my weekend posting, I have work to do, don't I? :-D

I do have some music I really need to finish arranging for some four-part choral work to fit into a small program that the local Theosophical temple is putting on. It's mostly Broadway musical numbers, but there are a few other things going on that will make it a very special presentation. So, sometime between now and 2PM tomorrow, I need to fire up Noteworthy and arrange my little heart out! And that's not counting the fact that I'm up for piano/organ duets for the Sunday morning service tomorrow as well.

But, you know, it's nice to be busy - and busy with stuff for other folks. Wouldn't have it any other way. When I stop thinking about all the stuff going haywire in my own life and focus on helping someone else, my mood gets better - and that's a never-fail thing. And so I offer the idea to you guys, for whatever worth you might find in it.

yickety-yack, miscellaneous

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