It's Baaaaaaaaack... The WIP Meme

Jun 16, 2010 21:33

Shamelessly snitched from heartofoshun:

Post a sentence (or paragraph) or two from as many of your WIPs as you want, with no explanation attached.

You know, I think some of the WIPs I posted about the last time this came around are still WIPs. I have finished a few others and started up a few more. All in all, I still have far too many WIPs (most of the novel-length) on my hard drive that I refuse to post until they're DoneDoneDoneBetaed&Concritted. But, just to tantalize any who might be interested...


If I may be of any further assistance to you, please feel free to contact me.


T. H. Randall DeWille, Attorney at Law

In The Elvenking's Forest:

"Can you tell me your name, my child?" he asked again softly.

The little girl sniffled next to his ear and loosened her hand from his neck to wipe at her eyes. "Tayla," she whispered.

"Tayla," the Elvenking repeated, feeling as if he'd been given a gift. "You are safe now, Tayla nîn. I shall take care of you from now on, I swear it."

"Thranduil Oropherion! What do you think you are doing?" chided Míriel from the doorway, where she held a mug and a small bowl in her hands, and her face a warning expression. "I thought you said you had no intentions of…"


Ivoreth pondered his words, and the fact that the trap he had laid for her on the checkerboard seemed to have no good counter. She was going to lose this game, just as she was going to go to Minas Tirith.



"Is there a counter for this trap?"

A slow smile spread over Celeborn's face. "You see it coming this time, and I did not need to point it out! At last! This is great improvement, little daughter!"

I Dhaerlend Dadui (The Second Great Journey) - Avathar:

"I had something I needed to see to," Elrond hedged vaguely. "Someone, actually." He sat down on the edge of his bunk and began removing his boots. "Were you aware that Maglor Fëanorion had joined our venture?"

Glorfindel rolled up onto an elbow. "And if I were to say I was?"

One boot dropped to the packed dirt floor with a thud while Elrond stared at his roommate. "You knew, and yet said nothing?"

Ice-blue eyes glittered in the light of the single candle on the table. "Yes."

In The House of Elrond - Messages Pt. 3:

"I want you to know that if you think it would help ease your adar's discontent with your situation here, I am willing to wed with you." He let his hand trail down her hair to her shoulder, and then down her arm to grasp her hand very gently. "It need not be a marriage except on papers sent to your father. In fact, I know that it could not be more than that because you do not love me that way, and I do not love you in that manner either. But if knowing you to be safely claimed by one of us will satisfy…"

"Elladan," Gilraen gasped and pulled her hand from his grasp so she could throw her arms around his neck and hug him tightly. "You are the sweetest, kindest, most infuriating person I have ever met, and I am deeply flattered and honored by your offer." She pressed her lips to his cheek and then pulled back. "But I must refuse."

His wide, grey eyes grew round with surprise. "But why?" He sounded almost disappointed.

New Roots:

Thranduil rose too. "Might I suggest a compromise then? There is a small settlement just over that rise." He pointed. "There is another stream there, much like this one, and a stand of old oak that have enjoyed the company of the edhil for many ennin. I am certain one of those would bear your talan. And before you complain…" He put up a long finger to stop Celeborn's complaint before it left his lips. "…it would at least provide you with a few of the niceties of a more settled life: someone to wash your clothes and cook for you - right along with the rest of the settlement."

"I am perfectly capable of handling those tasks on my own, you know," Celeborn stated stubbornly. "I have done so before."

"If you think I will permit you to take up a hermit's existence and slowly fade of grief beneath my trees, cousin, you are sadly mistaken." Thranduil's expression grew stern. "I have few I can call family or close friend on this shore any longer; permit me the luxury of hanging onto those who remain, even when they have other wishes."

Not Quite As Expected:

"Well, I certainly wouldn't manage by myself on one of those monsters, now, would I?" Glóin retorted, "And although he hates the jostling, Gimli had to admit that they traveled faster when he rode with Legolas, who, as your son, is also royalty, is he not?"

"That was different," Thranduil fumed. "They were…"

"Did they not arrive at your Hall together on the back of that beast? I know they arrived at my Hall that way…"

"I am not going to force Aduial to ride double!"

Glóin glowered at him. "Is he so delicate an animal then?"

"He is a highly trained war-stallion. He is most definitely not delicate!"

"Then what's the problem? He can bear the both of us…"

Thranduil stared at the Dwarf and then buried his face in his hand. "This is never going to work. Somewhere along the road to Osgiliath, we are certain to kill each other."

"I know. I have no idea what they were thinking," Glóin commiserated.

The Other Peredhil:

"I have the clasp that held my cloak closed - the one I was found in," Thenidor offered. "It is the family crest, I think." He stepped over to where he had put the bundles on the clothes press and dug through one. He came back and dropped a small, round metal disc into Elrond's hand. "I remember Nana - my real mother - telling me it was the device of Ada's mother."

It only took a single glance to recognize the device as that of Lúthien. What was more, he had a similar pin. It had been a gift to him from his mother, on the night she'd left them. It was the only thing he had left of hers. He had asked for proof.

"You survived." Elrond could only shake his head. "You both survived?"

Strange Melodies:

"You're not from around here, are you?" Devon asked over his wineglass. "You have an accent, but it's not one I can place."

Mac smiled over his own wineglass. "I come from far to the east, across the sea. I still have some small troubles with English; I fear that when I learned it, I did so from one who used a more archaic variety."

"Interesting." Erin leaned closer. "I happen to teach Spanish at the local high school, and love the study of languages. What language did you speak at home, if I may ask?"

"You would not be familiar with it. It is a variant of a tongue spoken only in a small portion of what you call Finland." Mac smiled at her. "We call it Quenya."

Erin's face folded in confusion. "I've not heard of that one…"

"As I said," Mac replied easily, "it is a minor language. We were not many who speak it."

That said, I'm gonna have to admit that with few exceptions (namely the one of these that is a one-shot) I haven't the foggiest idea when any of them will ever see the light of day. For those I believe were on the list the last time, the quotes this time take place several chapters later than the last quotes.

Just so you know that, even though I don't post anything to the archives but drabbles, I am writing on longer, more complex works.

wip hints, memes

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