Why, o WHY, do I do this to myself??

Dec 13, 2014 09:24

I'm an idiot.

I know - I KNOW - that I'm sensitive to gluten. I had been off it for maybe 2 months when, in 2011, I visited Savanna in OR and didn't worry about it. I paid for it in aches and pains after coming home. What's more, I stayed "clean" and religiously read ingredient labels, etc. It's been 3 years now, and I swore to myself I'd learned my lesson.


Two weeks ago, I decided to test my sensitivity by deliberately eating food prepared with stuff with gluten in it, namely Campbell's Cream of Mushroom Soup. It makes the most delightful and delicious gravies, and I'd really missed that. So I had it a couple of times. And then I got some prepared soup that had wheat in it.

Now I can barely hobble around the house, with the inflammation in my left knee so bad I can't really put any weight on it at all.

I've told my family that the next time I start making noises like "lemme see if I'm still sensitive to gluten" that they are to shoot me. Or knock me upside the head and then, while I'm on the floor, remind me of my not being able to walk for days on end.

I'm an idiot.

And gluten is addictive - and very bad for me.

I need to remember that.

food, rants

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