NaNo Day 21

Nov 21, 2013 19:01

Well, after a ten-day hiatus to deal with all the associated fun that goes along with a family member trying to kill herself, my Muse has finally cooperated in giving me more word-count for my NaNo attempt.

I sat down with the calculator and figured out how much I'll have to produce everyday to win the 50k word challenge - not that I'm going to actually finish the story. It's do-able: min 3000 words per day, with Sundays off. That includes Thanksgiving Day too. Still, our family doesn't kill itself trying to produce a feast that will leave us groaning on the floor after standing up from the dinner table, so I should be able to write some that day while nursing what's on the stove.

The news from OR is... what it is. I spoke to Vanna yesterday, one week and a day after a half-hearted attempt to slit her wrists, and now suddenly the world is all roses and sunshine. She's working hard on artwork commissions in order to get some money to work with - but not following up on submitting online applications. She *says* that she's supposed to talk to her therapist some time next week - but I'm truly surprised the therapist is letting things drag out that long.

Dear hubby, daughter Súl and I went on Monday to attend a family counselling session with Súl's therapist about our concerns about possibly accepting Vanna back into the household. It was a very informative hour and a half, although not the most comforting one. Hard as it will be, I was advised to continue on my road of requiring Vanna to take some personal responsibility in bettering her condition long before she comes back down to CA.

Not that I'm either surprised or reluctant to do so. Vanna burned a few bridges behind her when she and Lacey left my home about three years ago. It's not gonna be a walk in the park to rebuild trust, and the simple truth is that we don't have the resources we did back then to help out - especially since when we did help, we got kicked in the teeth.

Poor Súl - she already suffers from some auto-immune issues, and the stress over Vanna's situation and the potentials it held have made some of her ailments worse. She's struggling to just get and keep a healthy balance, but now is fighting depression again of her own.

In the meanwhile, JJ has an interview at the vocational training place that we've been patiently waiting to have respond to all the bureaucratic red tape we threw at them. Tomorrow, we head south to Santa Maria. The position he wanted may not be available, but there are other positions that desperately need filling, so it's fairly certain he'll have a job at long last.

And now, so you know I wasn't fooling, my new word-count for the day:

26553 / 50000 words. 53% done!

Have a good evening!

yickety-yack, miscellaneous, nanowrimo, writing, nattering

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