NaNo - Day 11

Nov 11, 2013 18:02


After a day where I began to think that I would NEVER get a chance to sit down and work on my NaNo for one reason or the other, I actually managed to pull my daily 2k words out of a hat. The plot is moving right along, and I'm happy with getting things at least pounded out in first draft form - realizing that I'm gonna be doing a LOT of rewrites/edits when the time comes.

First, of course, was my dear hubby seeing me in the kitchen and immediately announcing that "we" were going to do dishes. Since I'd slept in a bit (sleep for me is a dodgy thing that doesn't always happen properly - and last night, I'd actually managed a whole 6 hour stretch without interruption for a change) I was pressed for time before my chiropractor appointment at 12:15. But... I helped with the dishes, posted that first blog entry talking about my day yesterday, read email and worked a little bit on that Broadchurch fic I talked about earlier. Went to the chiropractor and did a bit of shopping for groceries on the way home.

And then I sat down, fully intending to put in my word count like a good little NaNo participant, but my cat had other ideas. For those who don't know her, I have a little Bengal kitty named Sadie who is quite the trip. Well, today she decided she was needing a LOT of cuddles, and needed to be on my boobs to do it right. When I'm sitting here at the computer, that means she jumps up on the back of my chair, comes down over my shoulder and somehow manages to settle on my admittedly overabundant decolletage and arms.

When she does this, it helps that I have a keyboard drawer to help support her (because her weight on my arthritic arms and shoulders can get to be VERY painful after a while.) It took her forever to truly settle down, stop grooming, and try to go to sleep. However, comma, have you ever tried to type when the front of the keyboard is covered by sleeping cat? Hint: you don't. But she's recovering from a really bad flea infestation that had her anemic, so I capitulated and let her sleep on me, spending the time reading old fics (my own and others') for the hour and half she decided I needed to give her.

Súl came into the kitchen once I'd done all but 25 of my word count, and we discussed her going to see Thor 2 (she loved it) and the frustration JJ has at not being able to work as yet. I need to get up and cook that meal for her I talked about earlier, so I suppose I should finish this, yes?

So... Today's word count:

21418 / 50000 words. 43% done!

Talk to you all tomorrow!

yickety-yack, miscellaneous, family, nanowrimo, writing

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