It's July Already - Where'd the Year Go?

Jul 01, 2013 08:06

The first half of 2013 is now truly behind - and I'm wondering where it went.

For the most part, things have ticked along rather nicely.

Summer promises to be busy - what with all the rehearsals for the music program to be performed at the beginning of August, various and sundry chiropractor visits, shopping trips with daughter Súl which I enjoy immensely, an hour every week helping a lovely Russian lady improve her English (and re-learning Russian a bit in return).

Our group of Players increased by three yesterday with the return of a prodigal from her 4-month yearly trek to natal Italy AND the addition of a pair of semi-pro musicians who've been too busy to participate before now. Had a blast running through the ensemble numbers, and have a list of copies I need to make for next Sunday.

Just goes to show what being open, accepting, and yet willing to establish boundaries and authority will do. The wife half of the semi-pro duo is a very strong personality who has been known to be difficult to work with - to the point that she's now somewhat avoided and/or excluded. We got to talking at coffee hour after service, and she mentioned the music in the lodge (where we practice and perform) and I told her what we were doing and let her know that if she wanted to join in, it would be great. BUT, the majority of the group is comprised of non-musicians, so spontaneity is a non-starter; we need LOTS of practice and few changes. Some discussion about our disparate philosophies, a re-extended invitation to come and see if we were doing something she'd enjoy, and lo and behold!

I feel it was a great accomplishment - and our program as a whole will benefit. *polishes fingernails on t-shirt*

Today will be filled with some minor putterings in the morning, then a chiropractor's appointment, and then the weekly shopping trek to Costco's and New Frontiers with Súl. Then supper tonight is my postponed birthday dinner, which I've specified will be steak, sweet potatoes and steamed broccoli, with fruit salad over crushed meringues for dessert. Don't need (nor can I eat) cake and/or ice cream - and at my age, the candles would be a downer. :-D

Am also starting to feel the urge to actually practice the piano (not that I have anything new to learn, right?) and maybe even attempt the harp again. I also need to work up the ambition to begin working with my Tai Chi DVD and see if I can't get a bit of mobility back. Yup - getting rid of the narcotics (now 7 days without) was a good idea. How much of these ambitions actually get touched today is iffy, but still...

LOVE having a mind that WORKS and an attitude that is looking up!!!

Happy Monday, f-listers. Hope yours will be as nice as mine.

yickety-yack, miscellaneous, music stuff, personal stuff

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