And the Muses keep chugging away...

Jun 30, 2013 09:32

Gods! I have exactly 45 minutes to write this, get ready, and head off to Halcyon to play a 15 min musical "meditation" before the service.

And yet, I feel like I've really accomplished things already this morning.

Not Quite As Planned, my Doctor Who fic, is now finished. My Muse had been nudging me with the setting for the final scene for a couple of days; and this morning, I just sat down and wrote it out. It's done!! YAY!!! Time to ship it off to sensiblecat for a quick beta, and then consider another WIP off my plate.

I also added another 1k words to IDD yesterday. I'm enjoying dipping my toes back into the LOTR fandom; I feel like I'm coming home in many respects.

Probably won't be doing any more writing until later this afternoon or evening. Got a 2 hr musical rehearsal this afternoon, with some minor musical errands to perform ahead of time that will keep me nicely occupied for the nonce.

Still, I just had to brag. Getting a WIP off my plate, for me, is a Big Thing.

This is going to be a good day - despite it being hotter than Hades! :-D

yickety-yack, miscellaneous, writing, personal stuff

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