I used to do that - once upon a time...

Sep 24, 2012 13:05

Long before the popular use of the Internet, before the explosion of The Web 1.0, I was a part of the BBS networks phenomenon.

Non-fandom-related musings of a spiritual/religious nature under the cut. Read at your own risk - it will probably bore you to tears. )

musings, miscellaneous, spirituality

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mevrian October 8 2012, 14:16:05 UTC
Saint preserve us from prostelitizing...well, anyone, really, about any subject. I detest fanatics of all descriptions; spiritual, political, environmental. They believe they're right and that being right gives them license to do as they like without regards to dignity of others.

Once upon a time I used to do battle with similar sorts of people. I eventually came to the conclusion that the darker side of human nature compels people to dominate others, regardless of the topic. Verbally bludgeoning a complete stranger on the internet has replaced physically pummelling a complete stranger in a dark alley. (It might be argued that verbal violence is an improvement over physical violance. I'm not so sure.) This behavior is a futile attempt to assert domince over someone they've never meet (and never will). It's understandable that, as an intelligent person witnessing of such irrational behavior, you'd try to be reasonable. You engaged in those fora to learn something from other, like-minded people from different faith traditions. Not to be shrieked at by some domineering jerk.

The worst thing you can do to these people is disengage. It's hard to dominate someone who isn't there. Continuing a one-sided 'conversation' makes them look foolish.

There's no point in communicating with people in that frame of mind. They don't want an exchange of ideas. They want you to bow down and do as they say. They need to learn that the aggressive approach doesn't convince anyone; not even themselves.


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