Title: Do Us Part, part 1
maybe77Team: Angst
Prompt: jealousy
Word count: 350
Rating: PG
Warnings: None really. This will come out happy in the end.
Arthur’s lined up a cakewalk extraction and he needs a chemist. No fieldwork, just a few short weeks in Miami Beach. So he calls Yusuf; he thinks he’s throwing a friend a bone.
“It’s when?” Yusuf asks. Arthur repeats the dates.
“But what about the wedding?” Yusuf says the words as though Arthur ought to know what he’s talking about. Arthur has no idea what he’s talking about.
Yusuf’s silence is telling.
“Well, think about it,” Arthur says, emergency-exiting the conversation. “I’ll call you in a few days.”
Arthur is on his laptop even before he ends the call. In twenty minutes he has the answer. He also has the thin, acidic taste of bile climbing up the back of his throat, and an inability to move akin to paralysis.
It’s Eames’ wedding. Eames is getting married.
One time, back when Cobb was still a total wreck, Mal came to Arthur in a dream and gutted him with a hunting knife. He wasn’t sure which was more painful: the physical agony, or the shock of what felt like betrayal. The phantom trace of it ached in his belly for days after, and though he didn’t really dream anymore, he’d wake up gasping and drenched in sweat.
This is so much worse than that.
It shouldn’t be. He’s the one who rejected Eames nearly two years ago, when Eames finally pressed pause on the “darling” and the lecherous glances and the lame innuendo, and asked Arthur to dinner.
Maybe Arthur said no because it caught him by surprise. Maybe he was afraid Eames wasn’t really serious; or maybe he was afraid he was. But still, Arthur said no. Eames has stayed arm’s-length ever since, making the couple of jobs they’ve worked together tense at best.
The thing is, Arthur always thought he’d have the chance to take it back. Somewhere along the line he started feeling like Eames was his safety net. But now when he looks down all he sees is a very long and lonely drop.
At least Eames spared him the torture of an invitation.
Part Two