Something I noticed: the XBee chips I got have a PWM pin. !!!
Something else: they do not have three. Tonight I play with warm-white LEDs to see if they make me happier than the tricolor ones. If they do, and I end up finding that RF wins the signaling smackdown, I may not actually need a separate microcontroller. Not sure yet.
Thirdly: I made my Sparkfun order in haste and forgot to buy caps for the radio circuits. *headdesk* IR stuff tonight anyway.
Have taken out the recycling, gifted the catbrains with the good kind of litter (it's payday, see), cracked up all over a Union Square park bench with a free sandwich for dinner and tales of radical queer crypto-anarcho-Jews possessed by sympathetic demons (!). Off to the bench, maybe with some tea. Another sexy Friday night in the city.
Upon inspection, the warm-white LEDs are unbelievably wee, let us say 2mm, and packed with alarming care. The contacts are bigger than on the tricolors, though. Maybe I can use them with 30ga wire for leads... I'm so not set up to deal with surface-mounts.