spinning in circles

Apr 10, 2009 14:31

Exercise. Argh, yes. I want to do more of it.

I've been semi- definitely-slacking on going to my gym, partly because illness and dymaxion's visit kept me busy until recently, and partly because my gym is full of fail. I rarely use the equipment room, since it's dim and gross and depressing in there; I have the membership for the pool. On Monday I showed up, bright-eyed and equipped, to find the pool empty of water. Repairs won't be done for another week and a half, and this is not the first time I've shown up only to find out I was not having a workout that night. They don't have any group classes at all aside from seniors stuff.

Cycling: have been doing a little bit of it, but have not figured out how to make it part of my commute yet. Riding in Manhattan is certainly *possible*, but diminished by having to carry 10 pounds of bike lock everywhere and leapfrogging taxis for the bus lanes, only to get cut off at every other light by some douche in a Focus. Riding in circles in the park is something I do, but really does not have endless appeal. Herald Square is an abomination; Third and Second up by me are both pretty much a series of potholes held together by gravel. Brooklyn and Queens cycling sounds more appealing, sort of, but I don't even know where to go -- I can't think of a destination to change it up a little.

I've been looking at Wing Chun and taiji schools (full disclosure: partly out of a lingering desire to be tylik when I grow up), various Crossfit places, and rollerblading. Crossfit still seems faddish, but effective and hard and exactly the sort of asskicking I desire, and (of course) expensive -- the vaguely affordable sessions are off-island, somewhere near the center of the universe and the cosmic source of hot dykey chicks. I plan to rent some skates this weekend and see if skating in a circle around Central Park is more fun than biking in the same pattern, but really I feel immensely stupid for looking at new sources of exercise when I *have* a gym membership and a bike and can't seem to make either of those be enough. Please comment if you have any advice on any of this, because I am notably cranky about it.

angst, nyc, cycling

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