in the beginning was the word, conferring realness on its referent

Feb 08, 2009 18:41

Saw Coraline in 3D last night, at gotham_bound's urging over brunch. I want to see it again, which is my idea of high praise for movies. So beautifully done, and the 3D elements were really imaginatively placed.

This afternoon, swimming, I got the idea that I wanted to sit in a sun-puddle in the park with coffee and read. It's still too cold for that, it turns out, but I had passed by the Asia Society museum on 70th and returned to it on the way back. I saw it was the last day for an exhibit on Islamic calligraphy, and bought a ticket out of curiosity. So glad I did -- it started with a collection of professional scribes' writing tools from about 1100 to 1900 CE (or: have some pen porn, and now some small-container porn, and oh yes now some burnishing tools made of agate and goldstone and a collection of penknives, and now a dozen of the loveliest of scissors), and moved on to Koran pages, letters, and official documents. I have no pictures of that, since they disallow photography. I DO have a free pass for another visit because they were apologetic about only having one exhibit open.

Drawing time now (unless you're regyt and you need packing people, in which case, holla.) Cannot wait until it's warm enough to paint in the park.
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