
Nov 05, 2008 01:00

Well, fuck.

Earlier I said to dymaxion that if CA Proposition 8 passed, it would, overall, not be as important as winning the presidency.

The pure rational side of my brain still agrees with that, but my heart (and my throat) is getting pretty choked up that early returns (24% of precincts reporting) are showing it passing hugely. What do we have to do? Whom do we have to prove ourselves to? Meanwhile Florida and Arkansas already supported an outbreak of The Dumb on their state initiatives, though FL deserves praise for their national showing and for hopefully not fucking up their election process so badly this time. (Floridians represent!)

There is still time for hope, at the risk of permanently wearing that word out, but it's really jarring to watch this nation swing to the left and the right at the same time.


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