the only way i'll remember is if i keep notes

Oct 17, 2008 22:22

- I want to like the NYC Parks pools, but the one at 54th, at least, is... not motivating me to go back. I want to tolerate it, I do, but my nose is still burning. I'm not getting an Asphalt Green or 92nd Street Y membership, no matter how shiny and Olympic-sized and awesome the place is. Really I just want to teleport - prices and all - the Seattle Parks pools to NYC.
- Somewhere north of 1 tsp of cornstarch is needed to make teriyaki sauce viscous.
- Steaming vegetables for stir-fry is sort of overdoing it.
- So is finely chopping and then sweating the onions. Don't.
- Brown rice releases less amylose in cooking and is thus less filling than white rice, but the nutritive and tasty aspects make up for not having a big, happy, coma-inducing lump of rapidly simplifying carbohydrates in one's gut.
- Found candy corn that does not claim to contain HFCS. Testing of this theory to follow apace.
- There's a museum of Noguchi's life and work in Queens. Hell yes, we're going.
- I'm... just about this close to rebinding both work and home machines to emacs key bindings, god motherfucking damn it.C-xC-c

food, nyc, ella, life

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