mostly domestic day

Aug 18, 2008 00:33

I am making real progress on my apartment, thanks mostly to gotham_bound being here... it's amazing what having someone around can do for my motivation to put things to rights. I'm more than half unboxed now. By contrast, I *never* fully unpacked my last apartment.

She helped me put together the shelves today, and while I was futzing with that, rearranged the ENTIRE main room so the bed and the shelves are in their correct places. I was just failing to do anything, but it's much better now. I started to get pretty hypoglycemic towards the end, so we went to the vaguely Tex-Mex place on the corner for dinner and watched gymnastics, which is one of the only Olympic events that makes me miss TV.

Yesterday I went to the Guggenheim with my aunt and uncle and saw the Louise Bourgeois exhibit. It is... affecting. I had to stop peering at her more recent work; it's too much; I wish I knew more about her, and what had pushed out this intense feeling of solitude. There are some photos I need to offload for holeinthedonut, though I couldn't get anything higher up than the ground floor, as much as the Guggenheim can be said to have floors.

Have also had an excellent food weekend, between the two meals with my aunt+uncle and dinner tonight. Need to remember to go back to Calle Ocho on Columbus Ave, because in addition to the bad-ass delicious caipirinha, everything on the menu sounds incredible. Roast duck with yucca dumpling and onions stewed in cherry sauce FTW. Also, I won't be eating much swordfish (for reasons of guilt in re: overfishing; it is delicious), but it was worth trying once at Pompano.

Vegetarianism FAIL. Fallen off the wagon, indeed.

Really, really irritating: somewhere along the way, my drafting table lost a leg. I plan to raise it with the moving company tomorrow, but I bet they'll affect helplessness and tell me I already signed the receipt. No idea whether I can get a replacement, either. Am NOT going to be happy if the answer is "buy a new table." I need the continuity of keeping some of the same things around, not buying new, not consuming anything, just enjoying life as it is and adapting my life to be here now.
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