small lessons

Jul 25, 2008 18:21

Things I learned this week:
- How to use screen, emacs (!!!), cat and find (seriously, did not know how to use find, and the answer is not "read the man page")
- How to get at least a little data out of an Arduino... now for more?
- Taking a cab is almost never a smart way to get crosstown. No, really. I can walk between two and ten times faster than traffic speed
- How to cook with garlic without burning it to cinders before adding other ingredients
- Duck sauce, soy sauce and Chinese mustard out of delivery packets makes an acceptable stir-fry base
- but TVP fake chicken is way, way saltier and less healthful than actual chicken...
- Some perils of in-tar-web dating
- and, very sadly, I may be starting to need more sleep than I thought.


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