designers being wanky

Mar 04, 2008 14:04


Naively, I think: sourcing and buying parts - not finished fixtures, mere parts, because I don't want finished fixtures, because I'm trying to prototype one, that's the point - is going to be half of the hard part of getting all this off the ground.

The other hard part is going to be approaching a manufacturer for real. Not for this, but sometime.

Mark Newsom can go get stuffed. Or at least let me borrow his army of minions.


On a related note, if anyone knows of a good electronics text that is helpful with designing lighting circuits and instructive on voltage, amperage and concerns like heat output, please please please let me know. I looked at The Art of Electronics on Amazon, but it looks fairly dated and I don't know that I need the breadth of information there. Thanks!

wtf, techhology, frustrations, design, fluffy bunnies

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