identity politics and the employee non-discrimination act

Nov 07, 2007 15:22

This is the letter I just sent to Human Rights Campaign, after hearing CNN's (bad) coverage of the ENDA vote over lunch.

I am writing to inform HRC that I have unsubscribed from the mailing list, and will not consider donating to HRC in the future, in reaction to its tactics aimed at excluding transgender people from the Employee
Non-Discrimination Act.

Several weeks ago, I received a public message from Joe Solmonese asserting that HRC was supporting a version of ENDA that covered trans people. It appears that HRC has changed their tune and supported the trans-exclusive version, just days before it has finally come to a vote. I am not surprised that this wasn't discussed in later mailings, only disgusted.


As much as I may benefit from ENDA and applaud HRC's work to promote it in Congress, I will not stand for a "human rights campaign" that campaigns for the rights of one group at the expense of another. I will reconsider my position (and renew my financial support) when HRC shows more of a commitment to all of the people it supposedly represents.

Ari [last name]

Précis: don't you dare claim to represent me, you spineless bastards. This is not acceptable, and certainly not good enough.

wtf, frustrations, politics, queer

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