bills will dispense at your knees! ;D ;D

Sep 02, 2007 14:38

Series of events:

Yesterday, 4pm, at Bulldog in the U-district, reading the interaction-design issue of Communication Arts. Getting irritated at the level of gushing attention to Flash-driven corporate promo sites. "They're not covering anything that matters," I muttered. (Still, spamcycler was kinda cute.)

Yesterday, 7pm, at Home Depot in SODO. Watching a number of customers attempt to use the self-checkout machines, with increasing frequency of muttering, jabbing and cursing. Hearing the machine's slow, repeated singsong became almost painful. Left in the middle of a discourse on crap UIs.

We passed by one checkout machine whose screen was carefully taped over: DO NOT REMOVE.

A detail, one that seemed insignificant at the time, like the handwritten "CASHBACK LIMIT $20" signs at QFC: strips of painter's tape on each active machine. Sharpied. "Dont [sic] Press Anything... Just Scan..."

Today, 2:30pm, eating my breakfast and reading the news: Man smashes Home Depot checkout stand with pry bar he was trying to buy

This is apparently what I wish CA had been talking about. Now I'm sort of mentally poking the problem. With a crowbar.

ux, frustrations, design, life

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