apropos of nothin'

Sep 01, 2007 22:05

I would just like to say that mounting a DRO on a mill that was built back before they'd invented such fancy contraptions is an exercise in frustration.

The slight drunkenness-by-sublimated-gin is probably not helping either the mill project or my sentence structure. Just measuring bracket parts at the moment, and staying the hell away from the bandsaw. Should probably measure again later. The only ideas I have on mounting the Y-axis track make me very, very sad.

Any tips on installing a DRO on a 60s-era Hitachi mill? The unit is one of those nearly no-name kits from Singapore. There's a sticker on each track with an @gmail.com email address for the dealer. Classy.

Also, I went to Tap Plastics for the first time today. They call themselves a plastic supply shop, but they're really a BDSM emporium. Went in for an unrelated item; ended up spending twenty minutes banging acrylic rods of diverse shapes, flexibilities, cross-sections, and colors gently against my hand. Bought three. The clerk looked not even a little surprised.

I heard about the Minneapolis Critical Mass that went down last night, and I'm still feeling sick to my stomach.

kink, frustrations, diy, geek, metalwork

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