
Aug 19, 2005 16:21

*sigh* I was led into temptation.

1. Go here.
2. Pass it on.

1.~How did you meet hpapillon? On the internets. Then on a train platform in London.
2.~What would you do if you had never met tylik? Hike a lot less often. Never try to grow basil again.
3.~What do you honestly think of plantae? She's the sanest person I know in the Freakosphere.
4.~Would or did katieimp and davidgro go out? I doubt it, but it'd be amusing.
5.~Have you ever liked marginoferror? Still do, in fact. Just platonically. Though he IS cute.
6.~If gfish died tomorrow, what is one thing that you would need him/her to know? We'll get your ashes into space SOMEHOW, I promise
7.~Would pauldf and elusive_fish make a good couple? Doubtful, since at least one of them is straight
8.~Describe zenspider in 3 words: sharp, intimidating, goofy
9.~Do you think stevens1 is hot? sorry, not my type
10.~Would gfish and bother make a lovely couple? They would always be trying to outdo each other with urbane coolness.
11.~What do you think of when you see davidgro? The assistant clerk in American Splendor
12.~Tell me something humiliating about elusive_fish: he spends all day and all night in Odegaard
13.~Do you know any of feralarmadillo's family members? no, but her dad might as well be mine
14.~What's thephones's favorite color? purple maybe?
15.~On a scale of 1-10 how cute is siesta_eterna? 9
16.~What would you do if vixyish just professed their undying love for you? Look confused, and wonder what to do with that development
17.~What language does katieimp speak? G!
18.~Who is xmurf going out with? me!
19.~Is sorana_stargem a boy or a girl? girl
20.~Would perljam and vixyish make a good couple? Probably not
21.~Who do you think pathdancer would be great with from this list? Nobody on this list
22.~When was the last time you talked to stevens1? Tuesday in class
23.~What is marginoferror's favorite band? I doubt I know its name in English
24.~Does pauldf have any siblings? dunno
25.~Would you ever date feralarmadillo? yes, if she weren't so much older than me :/
26.~Would you ever date zenspider? no, reminds me way too much of someone else
27.~Is pathdancer single? no
28.~What is thephones's last name? ...argh... can't... remember! Sullivan?
29.~What is perljam's middle name? ...I should KNOW this. But I don't.
30~What is plantae's fantasy? Five minutes of omnipotence
31.~Where does sorana_stargem live? she just moved...?
32.~Would you make out with hpapillon? sure :)
33.~Are tylik and feralarmadillo best friends? good friends, at any rate
34.~Does zenspider like thephones? I think so
35.~How did you meet perljam? Cisco class in high school
36.~Is stevens1 older than you? slightly
37.~Is bother the sexiest person alive? I don't think so, but simplysithel does
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