fn_rebel and
angle_on_itWhen: December 28th, 2011 [backdated]
Where: The Forge
Rating: PG
Summary: After a very successful Solstice Celebration, Sokka finds out that Bon has left Adstringendum. He doesn't take it too well (and who's surprised,) so he spends some extra time at the forge to mope in the quiet.
'Round about midnight, we'll be on the same side. )
It was a bittersweet creation of his own mind; obviously still hyper-aware of the loss of his friend, Sokka had fussed so much in his dream, he'd scared away all of the fish.
Eventually, Jet's voice invaded the scene and suddenly the dreaming man found himself startled and disturbed. A second later, he sat up. Covered in sweat, panting, and confused, he gasped out his Bon's name, one hand resting on his racing heart while the other propped him in his half-seated position. He must have realized he was wrong pretty quickly, though, immediately amending his words. "Jet... I didn't-- uh, hey. Sorry, I didn't hear you come in..."
Awash with emotion, the young man rubbed both hands at his face, scrubbing away the sweat in the same motion he used to try to scrub away his embarrassment. He didn't want Jet to see him that way -- not if it meant the other boy could perceive how thinly Sokka's defenses were wearing. A long breath escaped in a heavy sigh and he dropped his hands into his lap. Something of a helpless shrug followed and looked over at his friend, eyes rimmed with a little too much red. When he tried to speak, nothing came out until he cleared his throat. "A, uh... a friend went home."
Sokka tried to sneak a breath, but it shuddered in unpleasantly and forced him to look away, hurt to know it would only worry Jet all the more. The young man swallowed and closed his eyes, trying to explain his obvious upset a little more clearly. "More a brother than a friend, actually..."
"He was here before me, too." Sokka closed his eyes and dipped his head into his hands, hunched over his own knees as he rubbed his face. A choked laugh escaped and the younger boy tried not follow it through with a sob. "We went fishing together the day we met," he recalled as if it were the most profound of experiences. "He stayed with me after Fran messed with my head, pulled me back up to my feet more times than I can remember, and..." When he looked back to Jet, he felt too much like his heart was breaking to hide his tears. Sloppily, he wiped a sleeve across his face and frowned deeply. "Reminded me a bit of you..." Which just made it all the worse, in Sokka's opinion. How was he expected to cope with that sort of pain over and over?
Sokka nodded, his voice quiet and insistent. "I know that, I do..." And yet there was an unspoken caveat, which probably appeared too obvious to bother hiding. Whether home was where Sokka's friend was meant to be or not, his lack of presence in Adstringendum was where the focus remained. "He-- I don't think he would have left if he... if he had a choice." A simple enough statement, but one Sokka felt had merit.
"When Katara left..." He folded in on himself and sniffled. "H-he was there and I-- I never thought about the possibility that he might go. O-or maybe I thought I'd just... know." Miserably, he added, "I didn't. One day here, next day ( ... )
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