godofcologne and OPEN!
When: All day November 7th
Where: Around Adstringendum, walking into various stores, walking out of buildings. He's exploring, so feel free to pick any place to hit him up around.
Rating: PG-13 for humour, innuendo, and suggestive behaviors, aka PG-13 for Thomas.
Summary: Ignoring his PCD after an incident out in the Wastes, Thomas is out around Adstring, looking to replace his arsenal back home, and maybe trying to find a place to stay that isn't the clinic or the halfway house.
Despite the snow on the ground and the bite of ice in the air, Thomas Raith walked through the streets of Adstringendum without visible discomfort, dressed in nothing more than a pair of jeans and a snug black t-shirt. A cavalry saber on a worn leather belt hung at his hip, swaying rhythmically with every step he took. He walked briskly, stopping in to speak to a shopkeeper here, eyeing a strange building there. He wore an expression of careful nonchalance, but there was a tension in the set of his shoulders, a barely discernible edge to his walk that gave him the air of avoiding someone or something as he stepped out of another building and made his way back into the street.