Rogue sushi anyone?

Mar 19, 2011 00:06

Characters: Rin, Yukio, and ANYONE
When: Mid afternoon, March 18th
Where: The Clinic & Bookstore
Rating: PG?
Summary: The Okumura boys decide to try and pawn off the gratuitous amounts of squid meat they've come into ownership of thanks to Rin's stupidity.

The twins have a few small tables set up outside their book store, while most of them look like the carts seen in a doctors office all of them are stacked to the brim with different squid themed foods: Stuffed squid, squid teriyaki, fried squid, squid sushi, kalamari, baked squid. Nothing of great variety given their supplies but enough to try and get rid of it without much difficulty.

Yukio had suggested selling the food so they could get a form of currency while they were in Adstringendum, but neither of them knew a price tag to put on it and tossed that idea out the window. Since then he'd resigned himself to reading over some of the books he'd found in the shop while the two waited outside.

Currently Rin, still riddled with large circular teeth marks all over his upper body and neck, was seated next to a barely legible sign reading "Rogue squid snacks. $5? FREE". Due to the horrendous handwriting and crayons used to write the message it may read something like "Randy Shoes Smarkz". Why Yukio let him make the sign was beyond anyone who tries to read it.

"No one is coming..."

Yukio sighs and looks up from his book. "It's because of your-" He stops and shakes his head, even if he mentioned the sign's countless inaccuracies it was likely the information wouldn't be retained. His time was better spent researching.

*open, hanna cross, okumura yukio, okumura rin

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