(no subject)

Jan 18, 2011 03:34

Characters: MirroredEcho & Ahandsomedevil
When: Early Tuesday Morning // January 18th
Where: Horst's place
Rating: PG-13 (It's Horst, come on now.)
Summary: Cloud is worried about Horst (Le gasp~) and is going over to check on him and figure out what's biting him. (Get the pun? Do you? DO YOU?)

If it had been anyone else, save a choice few people, he would have told them that this little better was going to have to wait until morning. It was freezing outside, and the darkness didn't exactly help to make things look anymore welcoming.

And yet he had pulled on another long sleeved shirt, as well as hoodie, making sure he had the wanted materia equipped before heading out, leaving a note on the counter for Zack and Tifa, just in case he wasn't back by dawn. He doubted Horst was going to cause any problems, but you never knew who might meet along the way.

His eyes adjusted quickly, and he plugged the coordinates he had been given into his PCD, following the directions to the place where Horst resided easily. He had said he would be on the roof, but where was another matter, and so he found himself standing near the front door, looking upwards, calling out into the night quietly.

"It'd help if I was able to see you."

cloud strife, *complete, horst cabal

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