Characters: Edward Elric and YOU (Just tag as you add yourself)
When: During the Hiiro-takes-over-the-PCDs thing
Where: Edward sightings all over the city
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Ed's tired of the friggin PCDs malfunctioning when he has to get an important message across to people, so he's implimenting his Cipher and walking around town to hand deliver the letters! Anyone's welcome to come bother him, but only those people listed in this
post are able to decipher if successfully, if they want to take the time to do it. Everyone else will get the cipher wrong; feel free to make up your own nonsense to it.
The beginning of the note started cryptically enough as nothing but jumbled letters mish mashed together. And that's what Ed was hoping it would look like to anyone who managed to pick up the note. The ground was muddy today, and it was pulling on his automail leg with a greater ferocity than usual. He grumbled softly under his breath as he trudged through the city, stopping at doors every so often to slip notes to the appropriate people. There was his mother, Jean, the soldiers at Maes' house, Negi and Kotarou, Winry and Ling. He could only hope that they could figure out the cipher without too much trouble. They were smart people, of course they would be able to figure it out! After all, he told them some time ago how to do it, and these people he trusted not to tell anyone else about it.
A strong wind picked up and a few of the sheets escaped from his hand. "Dammit!" They scattered out of his reach as he jogged after them with a scowl on his face. Even though the paper was coded, it didn't mean he wanted to give people the chance to figure it out.
[[OOC: the message reads (up above is only the first portion) "Whipstaff people have a place to live now [X,Y]. Al and I are still working on it, but the roof doesn't leak and it's defendable. Also, we should probably be working on some sort of regular messaging system now that the PCDs have failed again. I know Nag is going to be chomping at the bit because he doesn't have his own nifty code. I think Sproket needs walking partners with the way bad guys are running rampant. I don't want her alone at night in this place. Shift schedule, anyone? Monkey better not be making a mess of the old place, either!"