Dimensions of Existence; A Glimpse of the Real Universe

Oct 09, 2006 03:46

This came to me as a visualization which wasn't entirely easy to put into words. A Glimpse of the Real Universe; Planes of existence are dimensions of size. These dimensions coexist perfectly because they stack in such a way they comprise one another. Generally, subatomic particles are the smallest particles we can perceive. We theorize that there are smaller particles, strings and such, which we can not detect. Strings exist in the smaller theoretical dimension, which we may never be able to detect, measure or see. Upon strings the first dimension that we can perceive is comprised of subatomic particles. The second dimension is where subatomic particles stack to form atoms, the third dimension is where atoms stack together to form all matter. I take it further here, The fourth dimension is where matter stacks to form planets and other bodies of space. One could say planets and stars are large particles made of smaller particles which are made of smaller particles etc. Further, It's well known that we can examine as far macro as we can micro. If planets and stars are particles, the universe is a pool of these particles stacked together. We can not perceive far enough to find out what shape or substance the particles of the universe comprise. This is our larger theoretical dimension which, like the strings in the smaller theoretical dimension, we may never be able to detect, measure or see. All the while, none of these particles ever touch each other. They are the substance of everything with a vast amount of nothing between them. How many dimensions could there be beyond the three we can measure, and the two we can theoretically consider? There could be an infinite number of theoretical dimensions, layered beneath and above our perception. Like a fractal, each one is unique although they all reflects the shapes of the other layers. If the small and the large theoretical dimensions reflect the shape of the 3 dimensions we perceive in (as they reflect the shapes of each other), it follows that life may exist in these theoretical dimensions which is much too big and much too small for us to ever detect.

©2006 Michelle A. Craig

philosophy, dreams, theory

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