Mar 26, 2007 14:15
It felt like a close thing, but finally, on Friday, it all came together and all the documentation was finished and shipped off to the guys in Change Management. Of course, this hasn't stopped people from coming by and saying, "Can we fit one more change in?" Nope. Ship has sailed pal. Late Friday afternoon, right after I had sent off the last manual, my phone rang and I exchanged a look of terror with co-worker Andy. "Don't answer it." he said. We watched it ring, waited for the red message light to go on... nothing. We breathed a sigh of relief. The phone is not your friend at that point.
Speaking of co-workers... co-worker Martin and his lovely wife had their baby on Saturday. They had a little boy and I'm just so happy for him and his wife, as the road to this point had been a rocky one, so yay that all is well!
Friday was the first bike ride to work of the season. As usual, coming down, no problem. Its always interesting to see the new potholes that have sprang up over the winter. Going home... always a problem first few times. My lungs are just not up to the huge hill at first; it'll take me a good couple of weeks before they stop protesting so much. And with the completion of the dedicated street-car tracks on St. Clair, my usual avenue for crossing St. Clair is now gone, so I'm going to have to back track a little. Bother. Graig accompanied me for the first time as well. I've been scaring him since day one with the ride up to North York, but he handled it no problem, making me feel like a wimp. LOL. I attribute it simply to him being bigger than I am and not asthmatic. *grin* Well, actually, it would be because he's in pretty darn good shape. We rode in again this morning, and I have to say its good to get back on the bike. I've got the usual couple of winter pounds that I can do without, and now that I'm back on the bike, they'll be gone in no time flat. It's not that I'm really any heavier, as shopping for clothes on Sunday attested, I'm still the same size I've always been, but there's nothing wrong with keeping it that way.
If I can stay away from the candy that is... I try not to keep junk food in the house. The most I usually get is popcorn (for myself) and one box of cookies (usually the low-fat Oreos) for Jet. But of course, this doesn't factor in the never ending cycle of candy. By the time the last of the Hallowe'en candy's gone, we're pretty much at Christmas. Christmas crap finally finished? Valentine's day arrives. Just as we're done the Valentine's Day candy (the kid came home from school with an entire LOOT bag full, I kid you not), we're gearing up for Easter. Sigh. Its like a no-win situation. I try to be strong, but I'm not always. Especially around Easter because damnit, I love Cadbury Easter Creme Eggs. I limit myself to one bag of the mini-Easter Cremes a year, and I've stuck to that, but I just know that if Jet gets any for Easter (and he'll receive not only a basket from me, but also one from my mother and from my grandmother), I'll probably eat it. Fortunately, after Easter, there are no big, candy associated holidays for awhile. I hope...
new baby,