Jul 09, 2006 14:23

Where the hell do men get off???  What makes men (and boys) that they can insult women because of their sex???

Example:  when a man, no matter WHO they are, your brother, father, uncle, boyfriend, guy friend, cousin, grandfather, WHOEVER ... thinks that, in the heat of a fight over WHATEVER, it's appropriate to throw out the "you must be PMSing" card, or "what, is that that time of the month again?"

This is WRONG.  I've had it handed to ME, I've heard it handed to my MOTHER, I've heard guys hand it to their girlfriends, sisters, and so many more, and I don't give a SHIT what is going on, you guys have NO RIGHT to bring that up.  It's offensive  Maybe not to all women, but most that I know would be very offended by such a statement/question.

And if you ever say that to me, you and I *will* fight, because it's wrong, and you're being a bigoted, sexist, chauvinistic PIG.

Oh, how I wish at times that boys had some condition that women could throw up in their faces.

Oh wait, they do.  Plenty.  It's just that if you said it to them, they get insulted, and you're supposed to understand why their feelings are hurt.  Even if it ISN'T sexist, like "hey, you're being really insensitive" oh wow, LOOK OUT.

What I *really* love, is that if you CALL a guy a "male chauvinist pig" because they DESERVE it, they turn around and call you a FEMALE chauvinist pig.  That's pretty funny, isn't it?  Just demonstrates the facts, people: most men aren't capable of thinking of things to say on their own.  They just take what someone else said and twists it around to suit whatever comeback they couldn't think of.

Yes, our world is populated with men who say and do these things on a regular basis.

You'll have to forgive me if you're reading this, and you're a guy who's never said or even remotely THOUGHT of any of this.  I'm sick of the men in my life who demostrate the qualities of a chauvinist pig, yet don't have the wisdom to realize that's exactly what they are.
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