"You're The One"

Dec 25, 2014 15:03

Title: "You're The One"
Pairing: Kibum/Eunsook
Word Count: 1,014
Summary: She was a wanderer and he would watch over her.
Disclaimer: I do not own any characters used in my story. However, I do own all the fictional happenings in it.
A/N: This is loosely based off the viking era witches (völur, singular völva), only the concept was taken (which has been altered) for the making of this story.

She was a wanderer. Her posture always straight and her chin up high as she walked along the forest, her long dress and cape making a trail, along with her footsteps, on the snow after each step she took. The night was coming near as the sun sunk into the horizon, splashing rays of gold all over the forest, leading her way to the village she knew was ahead. Though, she was not afraid of losing the light of the sun and traveling alone in the thick darkness of the woods. She knew there was no danger this forest could offer that she could not out power. After all, she was a powerful witch.

Völur, they call her kind. Said to be candidate wives, if he ever chose one, and lovers of their higher god and wilders of the magic taught by their higher goddess, twin sister of their god. They would wander the woods, travel long and far and held wisdom and knowledge beyond imaginable. Their presence was an honor to the others and their puzzled words and songs were prohibiting from repeating. Their magic so strong, even common men and warriors with honors and titles feared to speak such verses.

The völur would part take on rituals which would make them who they are. Eunsook partook on hers on a tender age of thirteen, the youngest one yet in their village. The reputation of her family encouraging for the early ritual convinced of the lady and lord’s favor to her. Her family was distinguished by the notable völur that come generation after generation. Only a few marry and most of them were impulse to partake in the ritual as well.

There weren’t many, if any, who opposed seeing as it was an honor and high power that was granted to them by the god and goddess. And so, she took it as a privilege, with wide understanding of her future and responsibilities. Her people took that as a sign, she was special and it showed, wisdom and understanding showed in her dignified face.

She was truly favored by the god and goddess, if not by the god a little more. She was beautiful beyond belief and wiser than völva older than her. Some looked up to her, acknowledging her higher statues and always respectful. However, most of the time, they travelled alone. Völur didn’t cross paths knowingly too often, only if there was a need or consultation.

Eunsook could see the fairies rushing passed by her as they prepared for the night, their wings glowing as the darkness overtook most of the forest now. She smiled softly at the guardian of those woods danced in the night, protecting her. Most creatures loved her and wished for her company often, and mostly she would not disappoint them. She would sing old and foreseen tales, enjoying as they shared theirs with her. It was true that she was wise but she would always learn new things thanks to her lovely companions.

As the woods began to clear, Eunsook gripped firmly her staff and closed her eyes. She thanked the guardian, the little nymphs and fae and spirits and all of those lovely creatures that decided to take a stroll with her for their company. She felt them express their enjoyment and gratitude before retreating back into their homes. With a warm smile, she bid them farewell and opened her eyes, setting them on the villages before her.

However, as she took a few steps towards her destination, she felt a sudden rush of wind brush against her coated back. And even in the silent and dark winter night, the feeling was warm and familiar. She didn’t have to turn around to know who it was. It had been a while since he had visited her, a bit far too long for her tastes but she waited, just like always, because he always promised he’d be back.

“Eunsook,” a deep voice spoke, making the young völva turn around to meet his eyes.

“Lord,” she spoke in a soft voice, giving him a deep bow of respect.

“Please, no formalities,” he said raising a hand to dismiss her action.

She straightened up and gave him a heartwarming smile as her mouth form they name he had granted her, and only her, to speak. “Kibum”.

The god smiled brightly and approached her, reaching a hand to brush the hood off of her head. “Each time you are more mature, more beautiful,” he said with a pleased tone in his voice.

“Thank you, Kibum,” she said as her lord stroked her rosy cheek with the back of his hand.

“This is your twenty first winter, is it not?” he asked and watched her nod, her brown orbs sparkling with adoration. He smiled widely and took her delicate, pale hand in his, guiding her away from the edge of the woods and into its mysterious lure. “Then we will celebrate in grand,” he said with an excited tone, looking at her as he walked backwards.

They walked for a few minutes but Eunsook didn’t notice a thing as she kept her focus only on the god before her. His sharp eyes, high cheekbones and over all beauty always left her awestruck. However, as they arrived to a large, unfrozen body of water, she looked a bit confused, looking around to see that the unforgiving freezing nature of winter had not affected their current location, before at her lord for answers.

He responded with a wide smile before leaning into her ear, whispering, “You’re the one,” he said before walking to the waters before them and turning to her with a wide smile, “It is time!” he spoke loudly, outstretching a hand towards the young völva.

Eunsook looked shocked at Kibum for a few seconds before she realized what he was saying.

It was time. He chose her. He wanted her to be his.

Tears swelled in her eyes and a huge smile stretched her full, rosy lips as she ran to her lord.

It was time they’d become one.

kibum, !fic, pairing: kibum/eunsook, au!viking era, eunsook

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