So Much For Good Intentions

Sep 18, 2007 10:59

lol. I said just a few posts ago that I was trying to post here everyday and what did I do? I didn't post for a few days! I am a terrible, easily distracted, person. :P

Anyway, this last weekend went quietly... probably too quietly to be honest. I didn't do any homework, although I really should have, so now I'm going to have to be busy for the rest of the week. I did, however, enjoy my quiet reading/playing time and, if nothing else, a person needs a little time to unwind. Its good for the soul and all of that. :)

Yesterday was another unpleasent Monday. The scary thing is I think I've nearly gotten use to the long day. O.o  Oh, just for referance to anyone who actually reads this, I lied. My first class starts at 9:00 AM not 9:30... though I wish it did.

Anyway, Monday, I had my stupid computer class (maybe I'm just good at the trial and error technique but I can figure out most of it on my own if given a minute and at worst I just need the basics), then Speech (where I didn't do quite as well on my speech because I go nervous and forgot a part), then my two history classes (which are both threatening test so I need to do the reading for them now), and lastly my management class (which I still haven't completely figured out the point of). Oh, that wasn't my last class! lol. That was just the last one I had before I ran home for a quick bite! At 6:00 I went to my real last class, Honor's Curriculum (which is just one of the many pain in the butt things the Honor's College makes you do). There we have to read the book list and talk about them in class. Its all rather tedious if you ask me, but it could be worse.

Well, today at least is Tuesday. Tuesday, my wonderfully free-of-class day of the week (other than Thursday and the weekend of course). Today I got up and played a little of my sister's WoW (she pays for it and lets me play a few characters of my own when she's not on her computer), then washed dishes (they do seem to get dirty very quickly), and now I'm playing on my own computer. Later (in about an hour if I'm good) I'm thinking of going and stopping at the variety store down the street (they're a junk store, really, but once in a very blue moon they have something), then head off to the dollar movie rental store to see if they have a movie for my Honor's class (that dollar movie rental store is the best!), and finally go down to the grocery store. Other than that I'm looking at starting my grand homework list (which is really just a sickeningly large pile of books for me to read).

Today sounds so exciting. lol. Well, there's always next time. :)
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