A dinosaur called Sue

May 21, 2005 20:37

I've got two papers I have to do.  Well, actually one, since I kind of sort of semi finished one of them, but the one I have left to write is entirely unwritable.  Even the smart people in the class don't know what they're doing.  That includes the girl who articulatessss ev-e-reee-thing verry well.  Essspecially her sssss's.  And that also includes the girl who thinks she's SO COOL because she hardly says anything in class and when she does then you can tell she's waiting for us to hang on to her every word.  Which the teacher does.

And just to complain some more about her, she always refers to herself as being "weird."  "Weird" because she laughs out loud when reading a book, because she makes connections between two books, and weird because she doesn't talk a lot.  But when she does it's about her being weird.  Wearing plastic framed glasses, Lacoste shoes with ripped jeans doesn't make you weird.  Stupid.  But I've liked that class a lot more after another girl and I sat down and gave nicknames to everyone.  Lovely.

The only remarkable thing this week was that I suddenly got hooked on Christmas music.  There were points in the week where I could hardly wait for Christmas.  Way to go, I haven't made it to summer yet, but there it is, and I'm listening to Christmas songs at the moment again.

Today I spent most of the day micro-sleeping my way through a dinosaur presentation from 9-4.  The only point I really woke up at was to talk to a guy from Texas for an hour.  He really misses Texas.  He LOVES Texas.  "As long as I'm in any part of Texas, I'm HOME."  I really wish I would know how to write Texan phonetically. I By the end of the hour I think I even picked up his accent.  I know I definitely said something like "puuuhse" instead of purse.

That basically brings us up to me now, sitting in front of the computer listening to Christmas songs and thinking that I really need to trim my cuticles.  I need to trim my cuticles.  And I also have to do laundry.  Trim cuticles.  Do laundry.  Oh, and go to A-level to print stuff out up to the printing page limit.

Thanks for reading.   
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