NaNoWriMo: Day 13

Nov 14, 2010 00:51

Although it's technically the 14th right now, this still counts for my 13th entry, as that's what I was going for.  While I am still a bit behind, I have made leaps and bounds in my efforts towards finishing, and when today's (yesterday's) word count for the day was 21,667 words, I made it all the way to 17,600, leaving me only 4,067 words behind.  That means I will catch up this week for sure (as I've made complete leaps and bounds in my efforts to catch up).  Hopefully, I'll catch up at that write-in my friends and I are planning to attend tomorrow.

The key, I've realized, is writing non-sequentially.  When I skip around, tossing around about three or so scenes at once, the ideas seem to flow a lot easier.  I guess I do tend to do this with my fanfiction, as I usually have a few (*cough*six*cough*) stories going at once, and I jump around between them to keep the creative juices flowing.  It's interesting doing it all in one story, though.

This has really been a learning exercise for me, though.  While I doubt my story will ever see the light of day (and my family will most likely never, ever read it unless heavily edited first), I think I'm learning quite a bit about myself along the way.  For instance, I'm not a quitter.  I tend not to finish things, I know, but when it comes down to it I'm not ready to just quite something because it's frustrating.

But, yeah, word count met for today (yesterday)!  :D  Here's to tomorrow (today)!


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