Apr 19, 2011 02:16
I finally got to the last boss of Breath of Fire 3. YES! I'M AT THE END OF THE GAME!!!
Unfortunately, since it is the last battle ever, you have to go through about half an hour of cutscenes (worthwhile ones if it's your first time though) and then Myria gives you a choice between whether to give up your power or not...I chose to give up my power just to see what would happen and got a very lame ending. :p Tehee, I was just wondering if Capcom had adopted the Thou must rule. Hee.
I really think I need to redo this game, though - I've missed so much else! Mostly the Masters and stuff, I only found TWO Masters throughout the entire game! Although I did find a healthy proportion of Ryu's powers.
I really love the depth of this game, too. The main "villain" is somebody who really wants the best for everyone. They're doing what they do out of love and protection. But oh no, if you try playing Final Fantasy then the main villain will be some evil entity whose brain bears the letters DESTRUCTION in chronic laser writing...nah. But this is different. (Pah, who am I kidding, Lufia is just as bad.)
I read at some point that if you gather enough Life Shards you can make your team invincible at any level. Hmm.
I tried playing Breath of Fire 4 again but it's still SO boring.
Also, what's with the final boss having wings? I understand that in this case it's kind of mandatory, but still.
Oh yeah, other things aside, I went to the dentist.
I don't know why there isn't a great gaping chasm in the side of my mouth. There sure as hell should be.
I also downloaded Monster Inc. because I want to watch that at some point, and I STILL haven't got round to watching A Bug's Life which is still saved on here.