May 29, 2005 09:14
Well I've gotten a couple of good responses to this with some questions raised and good points I missed point out.
The first and most notable being the description of the tiers as 'most powerful' as someone pointed out, it maybe more accurate to say 'most dangerous'. I agree with 'most powerful' being too vague but I'm not sure 'most dangerous' is an improvement as it is also very vague as that same poster comments 'most dangerous relative to whom?'. So I'm tenatively going with 'strongest' for lack of a better term. Any suggestions would be welcome.
Remember the Tiers are arranged not only based on power displayed but where applicable on actually fights between characters. For example, Buffy has fought Faith and beaten her. So Buffy gets to be ranked higher than Faith because of those wins. All right?
Here's the proposed revised tiers....
Tier 1: Glory, Jasmine.
Tier 2: The Mayor (Demonic Form), Illyria (Before Wes changed her).
Tier 3: Illyria (after Wes changed her), The Beast, ADAM, Skip, Willow (Dark Willow), Cyrus Vail, D'Hoffyrn (Lord of Vengeance Demons).
Tier 4: Buffy, Angel (Angelus), Caleb, Hamilton, Anya (Vengeance Demon form only), Halfrek, Amy Madison, Sarjhan(Sic?), Tara.
Tier 5: Spike, Faith, Connor, Groo, The Master, Kakistos, Darla and Drusilia.
Tier 6: Holtz, Kendra, Kennedy, Harmony, Penn, Luke, Gwen Raiden, Vi regular Slayers and vampires.
Tier 7: Riley Finn, Robin Wood, Charles Gunn, Lindsay, Warren Meers, Justine, Wesley Wyndam-Price and Rupert Giles.
Tier 8: Xander Harris, Cordelia Chase, Andrew Wells, Anya Jenkins, Jonathan Wells, Oz, Doyle.
Am I forgetting anyone of note?