Hey I'm back with a large update

May 10, 2005 14:10

First, I'm taking two classes this semester, one math and one psychology test so that should be fun. But again I have to complain about the pricing, FIVE hundred dollars for TWO classes and the books are One hundred sixty bucks together. Sheesh, talk about 'the cost of education'.  You shouldn't pay over FIFTY bucks for a book unless it's goddamn gold plated. What a ripoff...

Secondly, I'm posting my tier rankings for BtVS characters. Now before you ask, 'tiering' is the practice of ranking characters (usually fictional) in groups as to how powerful they are. People tiered TV series characters as a joke but with more diverse series on the airwaves now, it's gotten a little more series and complicated but some rankings are fairly easy to see. For example, Jack Bauer of '24' would be ranked ahead of ANYONE from the cast of 'Friends'. So with that in mind, I now present my tiers based off of BtvS and ATS characters. Debates and suggestions are welcome and appreciated, also characters are shown at their most powerful forms:

Tier 1: Glory, Jasmine

Glory: She's the only officially stated 'divine being' in the whole 'verse. She wipes the floor with Buffy during their one on one fights and withstands Willow's determined assault fairly easily. Bonus points include shaking off being hit with a truck and slaughtering a whole bunch of Knights. It's only after she offs the Buffybot, is the target of Willow's very powerful and concentrated attack that Buffy is able to harm her using the weapon of another divine being, the Troll God's hammer.

Jasmine: For whatever reason she was never officially proclaimed a goddess but for all intents and purposes she is. She commands undying and unyielding devotion from anyone around and only direct contact with her blood breaks the spell. Even when the illusion is broken, she backhands Angel several hundred feet with ease. Only a sneak attack by Conner, her 'father' fells her. It's also worth noting that she only becomes vulernable once her illusion is broken by Angel.

Tier 2: Illyria, The Mayor (Demon Form)

Illyria was one of 'The Old ones', ancient demons that once ruled the planet, currently inhabbiting the body of Winfred Burkle. Before being sealed by Wesley, she was able to stop time, teleport, display superhuman strength, speed and invulernability. In less than 30 seconds she dusted Spike and Angel while killing Gunn, Wes and Lorne. Extremely dangerous before being changed by Wes. Even in a weakened state, she reduces a car to slag. She doesn't quit rank as high as Jasmine and Glory despite her powerful stature though, she's still only a demon, albeit an extremely powerful one.

The Mayor (Demonic Form): The main villian of Season Three, Mayor Richard Wilkins sought to fulfill more than a century of planning and scheming by 'ascending' into the form of a pure demon. To do this he required several ancient texts and to feed on the lives of some of Sunnydale High's graduating class. He was partially successful before being blown up by the Scoobies. A previous demon like the type he was ascending to, was only stopped by a volcanic eruption of all things.

Tier 3: The Beast, ADAM, Skip and Willow (Dark Willow).

The Beast: Operating as Jasmine's hands on help before she was able to phyiscally manifest on Earth, The Beast was raw power. He slaughters the whole of Wolfram & Heart's employees, ragdolls Faith and is damn near unstoppable one on one. Only a cheap shot from Angelus defeats him, AFTER he absorbs Faith's barrage. And Angelus never confronts him one on one.

ADAM: BtVS's version of Frankenstein, created from a mix of human, demonic and robotic parts by his 'mother', Professor Walsh (whom he kills). ADAM was able to mentally and perhaps emotionally unify demons and vampires into one common goal, a feat not achieved by anyone else on either series. Failling that he was physically powerful enough to inspire enough fear in them to follow his orders. As demonstrations of his ability he rips the head off one vampire and dissambles human and demons alike to learn more about them. He also rebuilt Riley's friend Forest into a miniversion of himself. Buffy only succeeds in defeating him by combining her powers with Giles intellect, the magical abilities of Willow and Xander's will/heart, creating a 'ComboBuffy'.

Skip: This is a judgement call by me but a fair one I think. Skip functions as Jasmine's intermediary and brains while the Beast acts as the muscle. He also convinces Cordelia to ascend and more or less keeps everything going behind the series. He also wails on Angel during their fight before falling prey to overconfidence. He's also bulletproof save his for his eyes, a fatal weakness as Wes uncovers.

Dark Willow: This is Willow's most ruthless incarnation that we've seen. Magically Willow was already powerful enough to challenge Glory but DW has no scruples what so ever. She mystically drains Rack and Giles and seeks to channel enough energy through a temple to set the Earth ablaze. Just for the hell of it she magicks herself up to take on Buffy one on one in a fight and holds her on before growing bored with the battle.

Willow: Willow as of S7 is no longer hesistant about magic. She seems more self-confident and powerful than ever as evidenced by her adlibbing a spell to 'share' the Slayer essence with every potential Slayer in the world. She is supposed to be as strong as 'Dark Willow' was in S6 but with some values and morality in place.

Tier 4: Buffy, Angel(us), Caleb and Hamilton.

Buffy: The main Whedonverse heroine, she's smart, tough and a snappy dresser to boot. Buffy takes on and defeats most all enemies, eventually. However as this tiering shows, she's certainly not the most powerful fighter in her world. She loses or walks away from several encounters with Angelus before the decsive one at the end of Season Two for example. She did the same with Caleb, eventually killing him. She also beat Faith and Spike decisively and deserves to be ranked higher for that one.

Angel(us): The male lead of his own series and the Whedon's #1 hero, he's a gifted detective in addition to being a fighter. While most would argue that his darker half lost to Buffy, few remember that Angel himself, later trains both Buffy AND Faith as well as Cordelia. He also impressively deals with threats like Hamilton. Holds the edge in wins over Spike as well as Faith.

Caleb: A demented, murderous preacher with a perhcant for muiltation. He's the First's chosen representative and apparent #1 disciple in bringing about the end of Watcher's council. Apparently the only human that has 'accepted' the First, he is able to become empowered and as such bests Buffy, Spike and Faith with nary a thought in hand to hand combat. Later meets his end when Buffy changes tactics and employs the Slayer's Scythe. Still a formindable oppenent that even topples Angel briefly.

Hamilton: The designated successor/replacement for Eve as liasion to the Senior Partners, Hamilton was former a comrade or contempary of Drogyn, the guardian of 'The Deeper Well'. In his own words, "I am a part of them. The Wolf, Ram, and Hart. Their strength flows through my veins. My blood is filled with their ancient power. " Only killed by Angel, AFTER Angel drinks of his blood as well.

Tier 5: Spike, Faith, Conner, Groo, Master/Kakistos.

Spike: Younger, smaller and not as skilled as Angel, Spike nonetheless has killed two slayers in his time. Unfortunately he's also been on the losing end of most of his battles with Angel(us) as well. More of a street fighter that wins through sheer determination and stubborness than anything else. Outmatched against the listed above.

Faith: The more out of control version of Buffy. She's more reckless and violent in battle. Not a very good leader or planner. major emotional issues. Lost pretty much every major battle she has with other characters including Buffy.

Conner: The fated 'miracle child' of two vampires, raised by a man that hates them in a hell dimension. Also known as 'The Destroyer'. Definitly stronger, faster and more durable than a normal human. Might be held back by having two sets of memories to deal with. Did kill Sarjhan as was fated to.

Groo: Another 'fated, demonic' champion that is human looking. battled Angel for the heart of Cordelia and effectively lost. Presumably raised and groomed all his life to be a warrior.

The Master/Kakistos: The only two official master vampires we see. They're so old, they've begun to resemble animals more than humans. Bested by Buffy and Faith respectively but still tough and strong enough to be ranked.

Tier 6: Kennedy, run of the mill slayers and vamps, Harmony.

Kennedy: Willow's girlfriend and partner, she's old for a slayer but otherwise fairly representative of them.

After here, we have a definitive drop off to the next group, 'normal' humans.

Tier 7: Riley Finn, Robin Wood, Charles Gunn, Rupert Giles and Wesley Wyndam-Pryce.

Riley Finn: Goverment trained soldier/commando and for a time chemically enhanced. now 'roid free, he's the ranking leader of the military's anti-demon efforts. Presumably expert in hand to hand combat, physically most gifted of all the 'normal' humans. Lost decsively to both Angel and Buffy when neither was going all out thus this ranking. It's debatable whether he or Wood be ranked higher but just based off what was evident in the series, I'll go with Finn.

Robin Wood: Son of slayer Niki Wood, father unknown. Revenge driven offspring, trained by his mother's Watcher. attacks Spike after the First reveals it was Spike that murdered his mother. Most likely to hold a grudge for a long time. Also told point blank by Buffy she will let Spike kill him if he pursues said grudge. Looked to be a formindable oppenent based off S7 footage. Going by his comments about being a solo demon fighter, he's probably not that far behind Riley in skills either. Loss to Spike puts him at this ranking.

Charles Gunn: experienced street gang member, fighting vampires since he was a teen. Tough enough to walk into certain deathtraps (in S4 &S5) and emerge alive. Got smacked around by Conner so can't go higher than him.

Rupert Giles: Nicknamed 'Ripper' based off activities in his youth. engaged in dark magic rituals in his younger days. Intimidates Ethan Rayne and later Spike into cooperating. Physically seen better days but is otherwise remarkable fit for his age, does have a problem with getting knocked out. Was also trained as a swordsman at some point.

Wesley Wyndam-Pryce: Early incartnation as a by the book Watcher a failure and almost got himself killed. Later reinvented himself as a 'freelance demon hunter'. Still better with his brains than his brawn. Became much more familar with firearms in the interim. Dangerous for his unpredictablity if nothing else. Not to be underestimated.

Tier 8: Xander Harris, Cordelia Chase, Dawn Summers, Anya Jenkins and Andrew Wells.

Xander Harris: Can use most weapons apparently but not really gifted in any of them. When he still had his military memories, he leaned towards firearms with those gone apparently he prefers weapons like axes and swords to bows and crossbows. His relationship with Anya and his preference for a 'normal' life are what drop him behind Finn, Wood, Gunn and even Wes. In contrast they all aggresively and singlemindly pursue lifestyles more benefitting truly, determined demon hunters.

Cordelia Chase: Trained by Angel in swordplay. She's proficent with a blade but not an expert. Can handle herself one on one.

Dawn Summers: Most of her instruction and training came from either watching Buffy fight or learning directly from Buffy. Surprisingly good for her age and other limits.

Anya Jenkins: Formerly the vengenace demon Ayanka turned human. no stranger to violence and not squeamish about gore. Sacrifices herself to save Andrew.

Andrew Wells: Younger brother of Tucker Wells. Specializes in summoning demons and reading demonic languages. can handle a sword and not stab himself with it which is saying a lot.

Tier 9: Everyone else, literally.

Thoughts or questions?
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