Class Placement Interview

Apr 10, 2007 23:56

Day 138 April 10, 2007 Tuesday

Classes start soon so after a few days of orientation I went to school again for the interview. To school I walked to see how long it would take and it maybe took me 35 minutes to fuchinobe. Wow! Haha, I wish I could do that everyday and get my exercise but looking at my schedule it looks like I am waking up at 6:30 everyday. That means leaving the house before 800. Could I do it I wonder and be on time. Haha. I got to the school at 900 but didn’t have my interview until 1:00 about! Wow, but I killed time by downloading picture off my cell, paying 3 months rent, and other things like catching up with friends.
At the interview I was pretty nervous, like I came in and there was 2 teachers. They asked me to introduce myself which I did a HORRIBLE job at doing. I really lost my confidence. Then I had to explain a paper that I had read the night before about steps of being a foreign student in Japan and apparently I got most of it WRONG. I really felt hopeless and that I could not do anything. They put me in 4a which is okay, hopefully it is easier and I can be at the level of people around me. I hope its not too hard because there is a lot of spreaking and speeches I am afraid of. I can do listening and readying but speeches scare me so much. I cannot adlib like that in the interview. I hope I become better at it though but after that I was really REALLY worried about things and worried about what class I should be in, Should I go and do 3b again? I hope I can do it. mehhhhhhhh
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