Jul 25, 2007 01:06
Soooooo, ehhh, I'm moving? My dad asked me the other day if i wouldn't mind living with him while I finished up school. I guess they're finishing an extra room and they think it would be nice if I stayed with them. Obviously, I don't have a problem with that. I'll miss my friends, but it's only an hour or so away, it's not like I'm moving to California or anything. I'll be ten minutes away from the beach, and I'm pretty sure I'll make friends fast. I hope so anyway. Actually yeah, I'm pretty sure it wont be easy at all for me to make friends. I'm too shy, unless I've been drinking, and I really need to get a grip on that as it is.
Well, regardless of whether or not I'll make friends, I know I need to get the fuck out of CT. Even though it will be winter when I move up there, I still can't wait to bundle up with blankets and read on the beach, spend more time with my little brother, get to know my dad again, and just be in an entirely different area all together.
On another note.
Dear Creeps,
I would appreciate it if you would leave me alone. If I've got you all wrong and you happen to be nice, then by all means, prove me wrong. As for the rest of you, do the world a favor and pour some fabric softener into your coffee tomorrow morning.
Thank You,