Boy is gone home

Jul 10, 2013 23:20

One of my favorite songs is boys gone by Jason mraz.

My brother is struggling. Dad passed away three years ago from cancer, and changed our whole lives.

I'm not sure if its because my bro is young or if its because he doesn't have a male role model...

He has us, what's left of our nuclear family but he acts as if he was the only one left behind and is lost.

He's angry and he's upset but its only when he wants to act out against us.

He doesn't act that way when he is with his girlfriend or with his friends. Which in turn boggles my mind.

He has mood swings and he just doesn't do anything.

Boy: Just go to school and work, then come home and once a month mow the lawn . That's it. Ok go to church too. Stop spending your money on your girlfriend and video games and please just save for school and gas.

There are such thing as fun things for free (not sex, do not have sex) that you can do with your girlfriend. Geeze and if she doesn't get that...then please dump her. Gawd.

You can still be a kid but you can't be reckless. Don't turn into lohan, or bynes, or beiber.

We just want the best for you. Finish school and stop dicking around.

via ljapp

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