Jan 31, 2010 05:11

Everyones doing all sorts of intro posts, so I felt compelled to do so even though I'm terrible at explaining myself, so please bare with me. ♥

I'm 22, I live in Sin City(Las Vegas), I love art and I'm currently unemployed.

I love costuming and being a dork, though I have depression so I suffer from random emo-ness too. LOL

I change my appearance more often than I should, perhaps, and one day you can see me, and then see me again the next and not know I am the same person (it  sounds like BS but that has happened to me a few times).


I like to roleplay and have fun with people online, and I play FPS games on the PC also.

My steamname is UnbirthdayHatter.

Yes, I am a HUGE Alice in Wonderland fan, I have been for a long.. long.. long time.

No, I'm honestly not to excited for the new movie, it worries me more than anything-- but I'm goign to wait till its out to judge.

I love horror movies and documentaries.

Have a picspam of my ugly mug and weird clothes :D

I dress like a boy sometimes, It just happens. *gayface*

I made these costumes because I am special, in the short bus way. *gayface* And the wigs.


My extended family ♥

I fucking ♥♥♥♥ Harley Quinn.

Yes, I am the gayest scoot evar.

Except when I'm his MOM

" Bawww my baby boy all grooown up!~♥"

I like tea, as you can see by my username. I also like coffee, but tea is much more convenient and all around something I like to have more often than not.

I know theres more about me to tell, but I really dont know how. I'm an artist, I take pictures and doodle things, I love writing and I can do the creative side but the factual side is harder for me.

I like slash, het, femslash, all of it. I also approve of all of it in my life(though not all at once of course LOL), so if that is an issue for you, then I'm very sorry.

If we get to be friends in a fandom, or even on LJ, expect gifts of art and fic and whatever else. I like to do things more for other people than myself because it makes me happy.

I wish I were better at this. lol.

I havent slept, I'm sure I'll make a better one once I have, but for now. I'm extremely happy to have you all as new friends. ♥

tf2, harleen quinzel, alice in wonderland, fairly odd parents, jounouchi, cosplay, personal, fandom, batman

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