Youth Olympic Games!

Jan 13, 2008 18:31

"Welcome to YOG, 6th floor please!" greeted the student leaders of Jurong Junior College who I believed to be the helpers of the YOG Seminar over at Suntec City yesterday. It was a very big scaled event I must say. Officers/people from Ministry of Education, the media, all the schools from Singapore attended the seminar too. It was quite overwhelming to see such a large crowd from all age group in their own uniforms in one hall. It was my first time to attend such seminars and on top of that, on a weekend, early in the morning. I was out and about when people of my age were probably comfortably sleeping and dreaming away on their own beds! Albeit the fact that I had to wake up early on a Saturday just to attend this seminar, I think it was worth it! I mean, I got the chance to be a part of a history in making. After all, this Youth Olympic Games is the first and Singapore, our little tiny red dot island is bidding to host the Youth Olympic Games, the FIRST Youth Olympic Games!

Before the seminar started, guests were treated to performances of our youths from the different schools performing at what they are best at. There were wushu, dance sports and gymnastics from the two sisters who clinched gold in the recent Sea Games. Their performances were fantastic and I truly loved them. I was glad that I came in slightly early to be able to watch the performances. I must say, I was quite surprise with the performances put up by the youths. They were good! :)

By Anglo Chinese Junior College.

After the performances, the seminar kicked off with a speech from the Deputy Director of the CCA department in Ministry of Education and followed by a few more speeches and in between the speeches, there were video clips for us to watch which were related to the Olympic games. Some of the video clips managed to ring some bells like the ones that featured Avril Lavigne and the late Christopher Reeves, our first Superman. Like this one that I have managed to find online on Youtube but this one featured, Andrea Bocceli.

image Click to view

This one video from the Olympics which I deem to be the most inspiring ever and it really celebrates Humanity.

image Click to view

I felt inspired and good and even more enthusiastic about the YOG after watching those clips and I realised that I have not make any mistakes or will have any regrets for attending this seminar because I want Singapore to host the very first YOG and for a small country like us to dream to bid to host the very first YOG, it is really something and that is one true courage that can never be measured!

Mr C. Kunalan giving out a speech and he touched on Olympism.

Now, you must be wondering, what is Olympism? And where on earth did that word come from?
Easy, just click on this link - What is Olympism? and it will lead you to the answer you have been searching for. :)

After all the speeches, the ever ready, positive, fun and enthusiastic bunch of Jurong Junior College student leaders took their places and took over the seminar. They had games to perk the audiences up and bring the audiences together like having Mass Dances which I was honestly singing and moving to the songs playing. There were games like form the words and the word game. I quite enjoyed myself there!

The JJ leaders!

Mass Dance!

Make a word game.

The seminar ended with writing our well wishes to Singapore on this piece of paper. That would have probably be my 2nd or 3rd time writing my well wishes in her bid to host the YOG! But I guess, writing another well wishes wouldn't hurt or kill me! Now, the crowd was big and I meant humongously big with all the schools from all over Singapore in one big hall were quite overwhelming for me to digest and all. I didn't quite expect to see very familiar faces there in the first place! And they were the faces I haven't seen for quite a while now! During the seminar, I saw my teachers from my secondary school! I was beyond elated to see their faces! Frankly speaking, nothing beats to see the familiar faces that I have been seeing for 5 years be it in the corridoors or in the staff room even! On top of that, nothing really really beats to see my super cute Science HOD, Mr Lawrence Tan! *grins from ear to ear*

Both of us were surprised to see each other! :D
(bad quality photo)

In all, it was a nice experience for me to attend a major big scaled event and being a part of a history in the making. On top of that, I was representing my school, Republic Polytechnic who also played a part in this whole bid for the YOG. My school supported the bid to host YOG right in the first place when Singapore announced that she will bid to host the YOG. We made a banner and got Republicans to sign our well wishes on it and we were mentioned during one of the speech. That, made me feel really proud of my school and for some reason, those negative thoughts and uncertainties of the school that remained in my head vanished without a trace as if all of them were zapped out of my mind.

Go go go Singapore! May you win the bid to host the YOG and may we be the first ever country to host the very first YOG!

Pictures of the seminar, here!

yog, rp, singapore, 2008

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