Er... insert appropriate subject here.

Aug 15, 2007 03:01

I keep trying to post something... but it just doesn't work. So here I am. I am making myself blog for you lovely people out there who are addicted to my life and what's going on in it. And don't exist. *sigh* I wish you existed. It'd make this whole process a lot more fun... Oh well. S'all good, right?

Let's see... life since my last post... Uhh...

God, I'm lame. Nothing happens to me.

Got kicked out of my bed for a night because we had family here, and frankly, I'd rather be kicked out of my bedroom than the study where the computer is. The second night my great uncle didn't stay, so I had my bed, which was good. Teh Mums stayed with her boyfriend, though, so I had full run of the house after my grandma crashed at like, 9pm. Lady is worse than Cinderella, I swear. What with the turning into a pumpkin and all.

Anyway, got lotsa flirting done. We all know how I am. And posting. With the getting it done part.

Ok, review of boys (and a girl)...

->Mr. California
We started speaking again on Saturday. If you actually know me at all you will understand how big of a deal this is. Stupid fucker. Him, not you. Haha.
Anyway- point is, boy's way romantic when he wants to be. Kept going on and on about how he didn't wanna fuck up again and shit... Way cute. Of course, phone sex ensued. I know, I know... Me with my crazy amounts of phone sex... S'just so nice to be... snuggled up to the phone pretending it's them because you can't actually snuggle up to them... Both because my mother would shoot me if there was a boy in my bed and because this particular boy lives in California. And is leaving for France in a week. Oh snap. I just realized that he's actually leaving for France in a week. Holy Fuck. I'm so fucked. I get him back just as he's leaving. Dammit.

->Mr. Eyebrows
Well. Hey. I don't really have anything to say other than flirty conversations rock until you find out he was actually drunk.

Ok. I lied. There's more to say. He's just so... Inexplicable, really. Which makes things hard to... Well, explain. Haha. He's so... inexorable in his Joel-ness. And how he won't do things with me. But then, he also kinda flirts with me from time to time. Totally innocent (well, mostly. Ok, I lied, sometimes). Anyway, we're way close. At least I think we are. I mean... he tells me how much I mean to him and stuff... so who am I to question what he's telling me? Only... I get weird signals sometimes. But then he goes and tells me he doesn't do subtlety, so blah. God, I hate him. *is totally in love with him*

->Mr. Bloomington
Guh. Boy just gets me, ya know? And I hate it. And him. Only... Not really, because I wanna kiss him. Or possibly slap him. Maybe both. Huh... Anyway, so he gets online earlier and I IM him because, well, I hadn't heard from him since I got back to town in early June. Apparently his phone got destroyed and lost all his numbers and whatnot. Yeah right. I should really stop questioning people. Doesn't really ever do me any good. Only makes me more suspicious and shit. Huh. Novel concept, ain't it? I've digressed...

So I guess he and The Bitch Project are over. (Haha, I'm so punny... Too bad no one actually knows the girl I'm talking about's real name so no one will get it. Give ya a hint. It's a play on the Blair Witch Project...). Anyway. He mentioned something about standards and how she's way beneath them and I'm sooo not. Way to get a girls hopes up, you bastard. Blah. And then not pick up the phone when she calls? Lame. Beyond lame. I hate you.

-> Mr. Owen County
It sucks being in love with your best friend.

-> Mr. Harmony.
Aka. He-who-does-not-return-my-calls-even-though-I'm-only-calling-

Riiiight. Ok, well, maybe it's a booty call too. Is it so bad that I want to comfort you with sex? 'Cept, you know, not actual sex because no. Maybe this school year things can get back on... er... better terms or some shit? I can't think of the right phrasing at 3:44 AM.

Someone remind me to call the boy again. Srrsly.

And now for something completely different...

->Ze Girl!!
I soooo want to bang her. That is all.

Ok now... Moving on. Fandomy news, as per usual.
->LJ has revised their policy. Some gibberish about a two strikes system (I guess this isn't baseball...) and being more forgiving of non-photographic images. That's right bitches, it's safe to post your fan art again! Not so sure how the new policy covers manips... It's all on lj_biz if people wanna check it out.

->Kila and Hugh? Totally official. Most excellent!

Also... I start school in roughly... four hours. I know. I should be sleeping. I've elected to pull an all nighter instead of getting only a few hours of sleep. See, when you're still awake at two and have to get up at 6:30... basically you're fucked and should just stay up all night. Oh bother. Talking about it has made me sleepy. This is no good at all.

S'all under le cut 'cause it got longer than I expected.

life, mr. eyebrows, ze boys, lj craziness, twf

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