I should really stop falling asleep with eyeliner on

Aug 11, 2007 13:52

Last night was pretty much a blast...

Went skating with Kelsey, John, and some of John's friends... He organized a skating date with a bunch of people so I of course dragged Kels along for the ride. It's kinda good to have Kelsey back in my life... I mean, yeah, with the bitchery... But I guess it's nice to have her back... We talked a lot while skating and I hope that things are gonna be better. She seems to have pulled her head out of her ass a little.

Joel was supposed to stop by because he lives like, three blocks from the rink, but of course he didn't because he's LAME. Oh well, I still had a great time. I got to see some friends from grade school that I hadn't seen since... well, grade school. We went to Classic after and played pool while we waited for John's parents to get there because they were taking us all home. The pool tables there are not the greatest. The one I played on leaned a little so it was really hard to sink balls down at the higher end and basically if you missed your shot your ball rolled down to the lowest corner and went in anyway. This allowed me to beat John's ass. :] And Lonnie's. The second win was more legitimate since I sunk the 8 at the high end anyway. Or at least that's what I'm telling myself.

In fandom news...
->There's an actual post describing the new policy about fan art/fiction; found here: http://community.livejournal.com/lj_biz/241884.html

->Kila and Hugh are back together!! Oh damn! It's pretty much spectacular. I know. I am such a geek with my role playing shit. And I might be slightly insane because I refer to Kila as a real person. She just lives in the back of my head... *shifty eyes* I swear I'm not completely insane. Really.

The following conversation details my train of thought so far today. Under the cut for anyone who's interested.
Me: It would probably be smart if I tried to get on a normal ish sleeping schedule... or at least one more like what I'll need to be on for school.
Joel: Indeedle
Me: *yawn* So wassup?
Joel: not much
Joel: reading about an expansion to my favorite game
Me: Ah
Joel: Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Me: So this morning I was woken up at the the ungodly hour of 11 o clock by Lily calling my house 8 million times and pounding on my door...
Me: But she gave me pretty art so it was ok.
Joel: heh
Me: And skating was waaay better than usual. And we played pool after at Classic. you missed out, loser.
Joel: I'm sorry
Joel: I had a movie night planned
Joel: from 8-1a
Me: Even if the pool tables at clasic suck ass and the one I was on leaned a little.
Me: Ah, well...
Me: You owe me skating.
Me: :P
Joel: so I do, I suppose
Me: So apparently.
Me: My grandmother
Me: is coming to stay with us for a few days
Me: and will be here tomorrow
Me: which I knew nothing about
Me: until just now
Me: when my mother told me to wash the towels.
Me: Brilliant.
Joel: kekkles
Me: Also, i should remember to not fall asleep with eyeliner on.
Joel: Nah
Joel: it's funny
Me: Well yeah... racoon eyes are so hilarious. Followed shortly by the hilarity behind the huge black smudges that don't like to come out of my pillow as well as weird ones on my arms...
Joel: Eheheh
Joel: Excellent
Me: No, not excellent. Baaaaad.
Joel: I'm getting a brand new bed
Joel: maybe today
Me: Excellent. Need someone to help you break it in? ;-)
Joel: With repeated nappings?
Me: Because that's the only thing I could have meant.
Joel: exactly
Me: Is that a yes?
Joel: Wait
Joel: Naps?
Me: Sure.
Joel: I may be able to cover it on me own
Joel: I've a good amount of napping in me.
Me: *sigh* You are absolutly no fun.

Anyway, I'm off to see if I can do something about my insane case of racoon eyes. This will not do.

life, mr. eyebrows, lj craziness, twf

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