Orange Juice

Feb 18, 2009 16:27

On the Tropicana jugs - the larger ones, mind you. With the pour spout- Anyway, there's this seal with a little pull ring. It's all made out of hard plastic and... the ring is sharp. When opening my most recent jug of delicious OJ on Monday, the ring sliced my finger. Like a paper cut, only deeper and way more vicious.

This is not the first time this has happened to me. I'm sure it's happened to other people. And it HURTS. Let me tell ya... oh my god, does it hurt.

Yesterday, Tuesday, annoyed with the vicious cut on my finger- my index finger! On my right hand! I need this finger!! It hurts to type and scroll! My interneting is affected!

But on Tuesday, I used the web contact form on the Tropicana website to say "Dude. Your orange juice CUT ME!" Really, what I said was this:

"Your products have a small plastic ring on their pull tabs. On the larger containers of juice, these rings are made out of quite hard plastic. Often times these rings are sharp on the edges, so when one tries to pull on them to remove the seal, the ring acts like a knife and slices right into the finger.

This exact thing has happened to me twice now. I currently have a huge slice cut out of my finger, right on the inside of my first knuckle of my index finger. As you would imagine, this is quite painful. An extreme paper cut, if you will.

I know that your smaller cartons have seals made out of softer plastic, which would likely not cause the same problem. I realize this is asking a bit much, but I'm sure this very thing has happened to other people, and in the future I would like to avoid injury at the expense of orange juice. If there is any possible way for a change to be made, it would be highly appreciated by many of your customers."

Polite, too the point. But also, you know "your orange juice cut me!"

I wasn't expecting a response ever. Because really, I don't think most companies read those things anyway. But!!

Today, I come home and there is a response in my email! I was shocked and delighted! It says:

"We're sorry about your experience with our container. Your well-being is very importance to us and we're relieved to learn that medical attention was not required. We're sending coupons to replace your purchase, plus additional coupons for your inconvenience; they should arrive in about a week.

We'd like to make a full report to our quality assurance team, but to do this we need to request additional information from the package; please e-mail the following:

* The Best Before Date followed by additional code information found on the bottom of the container
* The Proof of Purchase seal numbers found on the back of the container (numbers begin with 48500)

Thanks for bringing this to our attention, Willow. We appreciate your interest in Tropicana and hope you'll continue to select our brand."

Anyway, I responded with the appropriate information, and I get coupons! Who said complaining never got you anywhere? ^_^ But my major point of all this was: I'm impressed with their customer service, and I feel like I accomplished something. I don't know if it will go anywhere or do any good, but at least someone somewhere within their corporation knows it's a problem. So yay me!

And also ouch. :[


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