Where, oh where, has the fic gone???

Jun 18, 2008 22:59

Ok no really. I am now desperate. I cannot begin to explain what this fic means to me and I can't find it.

Here's what I know:
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Harry/Draco of some sort. I can't remember if it gets groiny or not...

It has to do with the two of them writing each other letters and Harry's listening to "The Chemials Between Us" on his discman or whatever.

I am quite literally willing to pay money to find this fic. Or give sexual favors. Or, I dunno, whatever incentive will get it done. Seriously. Money and sexual favors. And other things.


(And I swear to god, Adam, if you make fun of me on this post I will hurt you)

fandomy goodness

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