On Marijunana and Bullshit Statistics.

Jun 18, 2008 13:56

Is anyone else annoyed by all this buzz about the rise in THC levels being all dangerous and whatnot, but yet pure THC is available by prescription and FDA approved??

Does any of this seem right to you guys? I mean really, if you're gonna make noise at least don't with hold information so everyone starts running around like chickens with their heads cut off.

And honestly? The negative effects of marijuana (short term anyway) are much less serious than the ones from caffeine, and most of us drink a couple cups of that a day.

Let's face it; the reason everyone thinks that marijuana isn't a big deal is because it ISN'T. No, not nearly 60% of marijuana users are in rehab, and no, twice as many aren't going to the ER. It's stated in the raw data collected by the SAME GOVERNMENT AGENCY that says all these crazy things to the media.

Silly government agents; pot is for the logical people!

(Also, I'm not actively advicating marijuana use, I'm just annoyed that all the buzz is about THC when that's not the issue. If you're gonna yap about marijuana, you should yap about caffeine and cigarettes first because they really are much more addictive and have a lot more other chemicals in them.)

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