I hurt myself in the shower...

Jan 03, 2008 21:31

adorKablefae: Ello
BrookayyCookayy: hey
adorKablefae: I hurt myself in the shower.
adorKablefae: You would think that most girls would finish that story with a tale involving a razor...
adorKablefae: but no, not me.
BrookayyCookayy: elaborate
adorKablefae: I banged my knee against the turny knob thing that controls the water temp.
adorKablefae: Really hard.
adorKablefae: There was blood.
BrookayyCookayy: :[ awe
adorKablefae: and then my other knee decided to get all empathetic and start hurting too.
BrookayyCookayy: wow
adorKablefae: yeah.
adorKablefae: Anyway, Joel told me not to worry because he's had silly injuries too-
adorKablefae: and then I told him about how I walked into Kelsey and broke my foot.

life, convos, mr. eyebrows

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