Ten Things You Want To Say To Ten Different [Anonymous] People:
1. There aren't words for a lot of this... But the short of it is that I love you. And it's not a safe kind of loving you. It's a scary, petrifying, all consuming, I'd do anything for you kind of love. Which... is something I struggle with every day. It's powerful and awesome. And the literal type of 'awesome'. The awe inspiring kind. The kind that gives me whiplash more often than not and I just have to stand there slack jawed thinking "Damn, how the fuck did I get here?" I'm starting to think it might not be so healthy... But I'm a fucking addict now and when things are good they're really good... But at the same time, when they're bad, they're really bad.
It's also really hard to be away from you for so long. I miss you. A lot. So much it hurts. I lose sleep over it. [I just lost the game.] But... I can't help it. You're kind of my everything. You have my heart... and it's fragile. Please stop tossing it about. Please don't break it.
2. Oh my dear... I know exactly what you're going through right now. It sucks. And it hurts. And you wanna curl up in a ball and never move again. But you'll get through it. It's rough... But you will. You're way to strong not to.
On a happier note. You know me better than anyone. You know me a little too well. Srsly. It's fucking scary. But I love you. Loads. More than you will ever know. Actually... that's a lie. You do know. Haha. I love you, slut. :]
3. I'm really happy that you're like... actually being my friend now. For a long time I was your best friend... but you weren't mine. At all. We only talked about you. Which... was ok. Not ideal, but I love you, so I dealt with it. I had other people like my "Something" to talk to about stuff with... But now it's like... you're actually my best friend now. And it rocks. A lot. I love you.
4. I'm really glad you're becoming part of my life. When I was younger I always figured you were uber Christian like the rest of our family but then I saw you at that party and everything changed. You couldn't be more NOT like them. Really. And I'm glad. It's nice to have family I can be open with about all parts of my life. It means a lot. Really. So thanks.
5. You're fucking amazing. Really. I don't know how you do it. And I feel really bad that I totally suck at showing how much I notice and appreciate you. I just don't know how to do it a lot of the time... And so yeah. I'm sorry.
6. It'd be nice if you showed that you cared a little bit more. Or at all.
7. I miss you. I never realized that one day you'd actually be gone. It's kinda scary. And doesn't seem real yet. I guess I'm still waiting for it all to sink in...
8. You know... My thoughts often wander back to you, though I still think we work better as friends. I dunno... you're pretty. I like kissing you. Our snuggles were of high quality. Anyway... Good luck with your crazy boy situation. I hate it when they get all... lame and complicated. My thoughts are with you, babe.
9. Please don't kill me. And also please give me that possition as an editor. Srsly. I want it like woah.
10. You and mom are really cute together. I hope that me and my boy will be that adorable someday. I can really see the two of us in you guys, so it's like... Well, I just want that. Thanks for being a good role model in my life. I could use more of those. :P
Nine Things About Yourself:
1. I'm a geek. Big time.
2. I loooove green. Lime green. And like, the pale lime green.
3. I'm in love with my screen name
4. For as much as I hated nick names as a kid- I love them now. And I hated them a lot back then. :]
5. I'm a Leo. Rawr!
6. I need to drink more water.
7. I hate alcohol. Not my idea of a good time.
8. I love going to parties.
9. I'm active in the GLBT community. <3
Eight Ways To Win My Heart:
1. Don't start drama
2. Be there for me when I need you
3. Be consistent
4. Humor is good
5. So is... being able to hold a discussion. Make your points well and such. I really do like to debate things deep down- so yeah.
6. Good kisses and high quality snuggles are sure to win me over in no time.
7. Eloquence
8. PDA makes me swoon.
Seven Things That Cross Your Mind Alot:
1. The Game
2. I should really do ... [fill in the blank with various chores/responsibilities/homework...]
3. Gah, I love him. A lot.
4. Family and friends
5. My fandoms. <3
6. I should download... [fill in random music here].
7. "Hahahahahahaha..."
Six Things You Wish You Never Did:
1. That stuff with B*. Ugh.
2. That stuff with J*.
3. Fell so hard for D*.
4. All that crazy stuff with L* when I was like, ten. Big mistakes. Cost me my best friend, too...
5. Fucked things up so bad with my mom.
6. Not speaking up about my mothers evil boyfriend when she gave me the opportunity.
*Names have been altered for... idunno. reasons. haha.
Five Turn Offs:
1. self-degradation
2. passive-aggressiveness
3. close-mindedness/ignorance
4. hatefulness
5. bad hygiene
Four Turn Ons:
1. Taller than me.
2. Wit. [read: that perfect combination of intelligence and humor]
3. Shaggy hair that hangs in their eyes.
4. Well defined hip bones. [Gnnnn...]
Three Things You Want To Do Before You Die:
1. Sky diving
2. Jump off as many tall things as possible.
3. Bungee Jumping.
Two Smileys That Describe Your Life:
1. o.0
2. XD
One Favorite Song
1. Oh dear god... there are so many. I'm going with "My Moon, My Man" by Fiest because it's the most recent one that I got stuck in my head.