Paging the HP and Buffy fandoms...

Dec 22, 2007 19:56

So... I've tried and failed to write fan fiction in both the HP and Buffy 'verse. Like, really. It just- falls apart a paragraph in. But I loooove the HP based role playing I do... I'm guessing because I have more freedom to do whatever the hell I want with my characters. They're mine. I can develop them in anyway I want... Which I could do if I wrote completely AU from a certain point, but stories where people get the characters so wrong it's disgusting... well, disgust me.

Anyway... So I was listening to slashcast today... And this wonderfully brilliant idea hit me. I want to write a fic based in one of the 'verses I love but with just my own original characters... But I see some problems with this. I know that original characters are marginally perceived as "mary sues" and are generally hated and then no one will read your fic. I'm also aware that writing is a personal thing on many levels, and a lot of people will tell me if I want to write it, then I should write it... But I would take comfort in knowing that other people would read it and enjoy it too... I will say that I can see my idea working better in the HP 'verse than the Buffy 'verse, but I wanted to poll all of you guys. Discriminate = Hate. And hate leads to the dark side... And the dark side is not somewhere I want to go as a Jedi. (and I've just thrown in a whole other fandom... whoops.)

As of the moment I don't have any firm plot or character ideas (besides from a character I always write but I know she's not someone I want to use as a main character for this)... But So. Tell me. Is anyone at all interested in reading a story like this? Is this something that other people have done and you guys can point me towards? Please comment and let me know!! I'm eager to hear your guys' response!!

fandomy goodness

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